Exploring New Vegas part 5

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"So where are we going now,is it something explicit or something?"bimore asked

"No,we are going to the ace theater basically a show."Jackson said

"So like america got talent?"bimore asked

"Yes, something like that,I will explain what is the ace theater,if you will please follow me."Jackson said

The gate earth personnel and media follow Jackson to the ace theater.
Bimore asked"so what is the ace theater like?what is the layout of the place?"

"The Aces is set up like a traditional lounge theater. There is a bar in the left corner where drinks can be purchased, and tables for the audience facing the stage in the front."Jackson said

"So what acts are performed?"bimore asked

"1:00 PM Hadrian, the ghoul of Guffaws.
4:00 PM Billy Knight, the "King of Zing."
6:00 PM The RAD Pack Song and Dance Revue.
8:00 PM Singing Sensation Bruce Isaac.
10:00 PM The Lonesome Drifter."Jackson said

"Wow some of these bands I have never seen before."bimore said

"Although our earths may be similar there is still differences in our history after world war 2."Jackson said

"I know a gate opening to the special region and another gate opened to a nuclear scorched earth sounds like a plot of a Isekai anime and manga."bimore said

"Isekai?oh you mean when a protagonist is sent to another world right?"Jackson replied

"Wait,how you know?"bimore asked

"Well,before I was sent to fight in the Gobi campaign,I was sent to Japan to train and get myself used to foreign land due to this I am required to learn the Japanese language.In order to do this my superior officer would sent me japanese manga to read and most of the manga I read is Isekai manga as before the bombs fell the Isekai manga is really popular."Jackson replied

"Oh, that is interesting now let's get back to the ace theater."bimore said

After walking for a few minutes the gate earth personnel and media reach the ace theater where they saw the entrance of the theater.

"Mainstream media of gate earth you can record this,this is basically america got talent but nuclear version."Jackson said

The media reporters chuckled at this and begin to record it.

The first performance will be the Hadrian, the ghoul of Guffaws.

Jackson the explained that the Hadrian, the ghoul of Guffaws performance will be about making jokes to the audience.

Hadrian then begin to make jokes which everyone also laugh.The media recording is Livestream back to gate earth where the gate earth people also laugh as well.

Comments section
"Well, fallout america do has a sense of humor even after the bombs fell."
"Guess you need to crack a few jokes in order to survive the wasteland."
"America got talent nuclear wasteland edition."
"I wonder will there be a television show about fallout america as there is so much history in it."

After the performance ended, another contestant entered the stage who identified himself as billy knight and his performance is to tell jokes to make people happy.The media streamed this back to gate earth to make people enjoy a good laugh.many express their reaction in the comments section below.

Comments section
"Wow,jokes in a nuclear wasteland seems like a joke,you get it a joke alright I will let myself out."
"I don't want to see performance, I want to see laser weapons,railguns, energy shields or nukes!"
A reply wrote"calm down man"
"I wonder is there icbm left in fallout america."

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