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The origins of the 2nd gate send the world to worldwide panic as seeing the nukes dropping and killing everything in it's way cause riots to occur. Historians is on television trying to calm the public saying that their earth will not end up the same of fallout earth as there is divergence in the timeline after world war 2.fallout earth is the nickname given to the Jackson earth after the nuclear war happened.
Anti-nuclear weapons organization gain huge supporters from the public as seeing the devastation of a nuclear war made many people begin to support them.With a the head of the abolish nuclear weapons campaign manager said"Look,now we have direct proof that nuclear weapons must be destroyed before they destroyed us, look at fallout earth where they pushed the button, the destruction caused,the chaos that followed"

In America
Pro america people were marching in the streets of Washington praising fallout america and proudly displaying the american flag and fallout american flag for defending their nation from invasion.

On Twitter there is a group founded called #proudamericans

A Twitter user wrote"fallout america is a good nickname for this america"

Another Twitter user wrote"God bless America!"

Another Twitter begun to type out the america national anthem.

On television on CNN a world war 2 veteran said"I would like to see a fallout america soldier and tell him that everything will be fine"

A us veteran of iraq said"I would like to say thank you to fallout american soldiers."

But the Chinese press immediately release a quote on Twitter said"the nuclear war would not have happened if america shared it's technology and it's oil reserves" but was immediately condemned by many users on Twitter with one Twitter user wrote"you invaded my nation and not be expected to be invaded go screw yourself"

Many military experts is at MSNBC discussing the scale of the war and how fallout america accomplish the impossible, stage an invasion of mainland china. Military Expert James Wilson said"The scale of the war is simply beyond comprehension, we are talking about the us military fielding a army of 20 million troops to invade china and this war is not bound of the rules of war as can been seen as chemical, biological weapons used during the war and the blatant disregard of the geneva convention combined with high tech weaponry in the realm of science fiction simply made this war a bloodbath and genocide." Reporter Sofia said"now I want to invite our sociologist expert Athena." Athena then said"The fallout world before the bombs fell is a dying world the bombs is just the final stage to this world suffering,as you can see fallout world is much more violent then ours as those in charge are basically cold war era politicans who talk about war every day,look at fallout america,as fallout america is facing a political instability, food shortage,civil unrest and on the brink of civil war.if the bombs had not fallen america would have have ripped itself apart in civil war." Reporter Sofia said"I think that is enough,if you want more analysis of fallout america please watch MSNBC as we work relentlessly to give you actual news."

Jackson and his men were flown to america under president dirrel orders and general William Wales orders. Jackson said"welcome to america but a america untouched by nukes" his men could not believe as they saw a america without mutant or craters caused by nukes.

When the plane touch down and Jackson squad walk down the staircase at a american airport thousands of americans were shouting praises to them saying that they true American Patriot defending america from the communist invasion. When looked at a member of the national guard sent to protect him the national guard said"you and your men are war heroes to the american people as they see you a heroes who defended america in the biggest war she has ever faced I am honored to be guarding you sir." Randall Clark chimed in and said"we are just doing our duty as soldiers to defend america from those who wishes to destroy her"

At a CNN debate live
"I am your host Trevor and today I will invite a military expert James Wilson,James Wilson has taken a interest in fallout america to explain in detail how fallout america accomplish the impossible in invading mainland china."

"Thank you Trevor as you can see we must look at fallout america culture which is basically cold war era america with 1950s culture and mindset,which means they are venomously against the concept of communist and china is basically mao era china which is basically as history have shown to be extremely against the west,now we have 2 nations who hated each other and with resources running out, it's only matter of time before the 2 giants clash in a battle for the world,due to the culture ingrained in them both sides may see it as fate that they are some of few nations left standing,so the war is not only about resources but also about idealogy"Wilson ended

Trevor said"Thank for your insight,this is Trevor if want more about our post-apocalyptic counterpart please watch CNN"

At the UN
American ambassador and Chinese ambassador engaged in a heated debate as the Chinese ambassador say fallout america is responsible for the nuclear war as fallout america refused to share it's tech and oil to china. American ambassador Sarah replied" So you expect america to give you their best technology so you can live, fallout america is suffering from the resource crisis." The Chinese ambassador countered"your nuclear counterpart use chemical munitions on Chinese troops may I remind you, the footage showed during the sino american war, america used chemical weapons at Nanjing, america forces lured PLA troops to the city before they shelled them with chemical munitions,their bodies melted"
Sarah countered with"who started using chemical weapons first if I remember correctly the battle Nanjing occured in the year 2074 but american troops were dying to chemical munitions fired by PLA forces at Anchorage in the year of 2066." The Chinese ambassador remain silent and walked out of the room.

Gate earth Anchorage Alaska
After the revelation of the battle of Anchorage Alaska in fallout earth many Americans went to Anchorage Alaska of gate earth as they can't go fallout Anchorage so many Americans went to the next thing gate earth Anchorage.
"This is fox news reporter John as you can see many Americans is at Anchorage Alaska with many American flag and many patriotic america songs, hey excuse me sir why do you attend this gathering." The young man who called himself Derek said" I am a veteran of the us military and it's my duty to pay respect to the fallen even if it's not our timeline theses fallout america troops payed the ultimate price in defending american if I can even an ounce of respect to them I will." At this the manager of the event who called herself Selina said"today we honor fallout american soldiers who died in defending american from invasion even if these america soldiers are from another timeline of universe I don't care, what I care the most is they proudly defended america in her darkest time,and based on reports even when shelled by weapons banned by treaties they still stood strong in the face of a enemy that want to destroy america so let's stand up and have a moment of silence to fallout american soldiers who died." Many people in the event stood up and have a moment of silence some even have tears coming of their eyes when they saw the carnage of the resource wars.

Many historians after studying fallout timeline came to the conclusion that china shot the first nuke thus starting the great war, as historian and military expert James Wilson said in an interview"we know china shot first as american forces is on the outskirts of Beijing, you can only pushed a nation so far before they break."

"Many people are shocked at the revelation of the fallout world as many did not know how to react to their counterpart many believe that this will be our future if we do not change."This is trevor from CNN

Fallout belongs to
Bethesda Softworks

Gate belongs to takumi yanai illustrated by Daisuke Izuka and kurojish

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