Defense of proptor

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"Fire that goddam artillery,oh my god!"Jackson shouted

Artillery shell were firing shell after shell, chemical munitions is launched at phase line bravo,the entire of phase line bravo is lit up in flames as countless artillery shell were fired at the position.

F108 rapier swoop down from the sky and opened up with it's 4 HER90 heavy air to air laser cannons to strafe the enemy position maiming hundreds of enemy troops.Jsdf jets conduct firebombing on phase line bravo setting the phase line with fire.

"By emroy name,how can anyone survive those destruction landed on them."Delilah said

"We zeroed phase line bravo with heavy weapons as high command though they will pass through that position it looks that they are right."Jackson said

"I don't think the battle is over yet,a few days ago there is a earthquake that rock sadera,I got a feeling this is link to this force charging towards us."Randall Clark said

Randall Clark words soon proved to be true when 2 flame dragons came out of the horizon and on the backs of those flame dragons is the demons of terror.

"Lord emroy,that is the demons of terror."Rory said

"Demons of terror?"itami asked

"The demons of terror is used by hardy during the age of the powers to claim all of falmart to herself.But were defeated by flare."Rory said

"So can those demons of terror be defeated?"James asked

"Those weapons must be made of light."Rory said

"Alright let's go and defend proptor and crush this assault!"Jackson shouted

"Yes sir!"his men shouted.

3rd recon team soon followed suit.

Defensive Line Beta
Fallout america tanks fired their double canons at the flame dragon causing the flame dragon to roar in pain,the flame dragon then breathe fire onto the fallout america tanks,but thankfully the fallout tanks are fireproof,jsdf tanks fired their payload at the flame dragon giving the fallout american tanks some breathing space.

But many fallout america and jsdf troops suffer heavy burns,some of them were killed but most of them survived due to stimpack being injected to their bodies to heal their burned wounds.

"Shoot the wings!"a fallout american tank commander shouted to his crew.

"Got it" his men said

"Load a plasma round in the main gun now"the tank commander shouted

The plasma round is loaded in the main gun and fired the plasma round melted the flame dragon scales making it vulnerable.

"Take that you Kaiju freak taste american democracy!"a fallout american tanker shouted

"So you are a weeb?"His squad mate said

"What, I was stationed in Japan before the bombs fell,after that the only entertainment I can find is manga and anime."the fallout american tanker said to his squad mates

"Do you mind sharing those mangas?" His squad mates asked

"Sure,why not."the fallout american tanker said

"Stop with these manga and anime,now we need to focus on killing the flame dragon with american firepower,load another plasma round in the gun now!"the tank commander shouted

"Got it,load plasma round!"his men shouted

The fallout american tanks fire another volley of plasma round at the flame dragon,the plasma round hit the flame dragon wings tearing the wing off

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