Denying reality

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"What is the meaning of this!fort Orion has never been taken by the enemy before and it fell in less than a day!can someone explain it to me."Zorzal shouted.Pro war senators and imperial generals scramble to explain the humiliating defeat they suffered, one of general named atlas responded"The reason why we lost is because of the trolls and orcs as they don't have the intelligence that we humans do,so the lost of the fort is due to them." Zorzal responded"You are right, the imperial army has never loss a battle the reason we lost the fort is due to the incompetence of our non human forces there."The Senate cheered at the response as they thought the reason why they lost is due to the trolls and orcs not doing their duty.The saderan senate meeting  then ended.General atlas then went to  the planning room and summon the remaining imperial officers of the Saderan army,the officers came and gave a salute to atlas.One of the officers asked"Sir,why have you summoned us?" Atlas replied"we are going to take the fort back from the otherworlders of dalmus hill, that's why I have decided on this decision Legate taurus you shall lead a army of 20000 men to take the fort back,you shall not retreat until you have done this duty or else I will have executed for cowardice." Legate taurus saluted and said"I would gladly die on the battlefield then to retreat from the battlefield." Taurus then walked off he gathered the 20000 men and march out of sadera to take fort Orion back from the otherworlders.

Fort Orion
News of the approaching army soon came to light, immediately Jackson ordered the walls of the fort to be repaired to their best possible state, liberty prime is sent to patrol the area with several us soldier.Machine guns,lasers,guass rifle, assault rifle is carefully considered where it's place to reap the most amount of lives.Jackson asked Randall Clark how long before the army reached the fort and according to Randall Clark the army will reach here by nightfall.

Jackson said"Soldiers of the US military do not fear the enemy. We have fought from Anchorage Alaska to Beijing and saw the collapse of most human civilization throughout the globe yet we survived,then these imperialist think they can destroy us with swords and bows,for every challenge thrown at us we will overcome it and become stronger as this is the spirit of the US military,the most powerful military the world has ever seen!"After Jackson speech a huge roar erupted from the fort,us military forces think back to the hell they went through and considered that this is nothing to the horrors faced back home so they steeled themselves for the coming battle if the Saderan wants to get slaughtered again then they will gladly help them.

Nightfall some came fallout america troops can see the torches carried by the imperial forces,a loud horn soon sounded and screams can be heard as thousands of men charge the wall of the fort. Immediately huge loud sounds can be heard the soldiers opened up with their weapons,men charging in the first wave just fall down to the ground clutching their wounds before getting hit by a mini nuke.Colonel Johnson in his t-51b suit of power armor aim his gatling lasers gun at the charging mass of men the result is predictable the men just simply turn to ash some tried to run but were blocked by their fellow soldier making them a bigger target for us forces.Jackson fired his all American assault rifle at the enemy he can seen the enemy heads just swing back as his bullet found it's mark.Motars fired shell after shell onto the saderan army killing some while wounding dozens more.

"How many kills you have James?" Andrew asked,James replied"I at at 36" Andrew replied back with "52,let see who can get the most amount of kills this battle I won't lose to you"
James said"it's on" Jackson fired round after round into enemy forces he then counted 10,16,28,40 he is wondering if the Saderan even care about their troops or they have a unlimited supply of men ready to die for the empire.50cal machine guns erupted along the wall of the fort the 50cal round tore through mutiple saderans at once, some saderans can been seen trying to dig a hole to hide from the firestorm of death only for a mini nuke to impact their position killing those around it.Men screamed in agony as fallout america troops inflicted countless casualties on them.
Randall Clark fired his R91 assault rifle the enemy he then heard a click and shouted"Reloading I am at my last mag Andrew get more ammo here now" Andrew nodded his head and ran towards the ammo depot to grab space magazines of bullets.Just then a arrow flew by Randall Clark the arrow missed him by an inch.Jackson saw this and aimed his all American assault rifle at the archer and fired the 5.56 round impacted the archer face killing him instantly.More arrows can be seen showering the area wounding some us troops before any damage can be done liberty prime shot it's laser at the enemy while chanting"Democracy is non-negotiable, embrace democracy or you will be eradicated, freedom is the sovereign right of every american,better dead than red."The legions of men were vaporized by the laser blast those who survived liberty prime lasers were met with a mark 28 warhead to their position killing them instantly.

Colonel Johnson shouted"295,296,297,298,299,300!" Johnson has been firing his laser gatling gun since the battle began he has gotten a huge amount of kills.

Andrew rush back to Randall Clark and deposit several magazines with 5.56 bullets, Randall Clark said"Thanks now get back to the wall"
Andrew nodded and went to the wall.

Jackson killed another imperial soldier,he then inserted a fresh magazine into his rifle,5.56 bullet casings can be seen all over the fort as thousands of rounds is expended down range.After killing another 15 imperial troops rushing his position he reloaded his assault rifle when he lift up his rifle again a loud horn sounded, surviving imperial troops rush back to the forest.

Legate taurus POV
"We have not even breached the walls of the fort how it is possible,tell the men to stop attacking I want a surrender."

Legate taurus ride towards fort Orion with a white flag while saying he wants to surrender.

Captain Samuel Jackson saw a imperial officer ride towards the fort and wondered it is another suicidal wave so he shot his all American assault rifle near the officer while shouting"if you are trying to charge us again then I will shoot you identify your intentions or face death!"

Legate taurus said"Warriors from the world beyond please accept my surrender as I have come to bargain a deal with my men please have mercy on us."

Jackson then ordered his men to take Legate taurus men into custody and Legate taurus for interrogation.

The attempt to retake fort Orion resulted in a complete disaster with 15000 saderan troops dead,with 7 American soldiers wounded by arrows.

Fallout belongs to
Betheasda softworks

Gate belongs to takumi yanai illustrated by Daisuke Izuka and kurojish

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