A new war

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A few weeks after the battle of tears many people in sadera grief at the loss of their loved ones especially women as 1 million men march to dalmus hill only to be destroyed by fallout america many blamed the new crowned emperor zorzal for these tragedy by kept their mouth shut as they feared punishment.Sadera is placed under martial law men 15 years of age were conscripted into the army to fight the otherworlders those who refused are hanged for all to see giving a firm message that cowards will be executed.

Zorzal said"The reason we lost is because we do not have enough men now we have a army of 5 million troops we shall destroy the otherworlders,the otherworlder with their superior weaponry can't kill all of us as powerful as they are the otherworlder does not have the power to destroy sadera in one single event we will bleed them dry as we overwhelming them through sheer numbers."

Zorzal new strategy is to poured more troops on the otherworlders until they break it worked for artic war so why not this war?

Back at gate earth UN meeting

"President Daniel what can you tell about other countries?"
President Daniel said"I don't know what happened to them only assumptions from satalite imagery even those are not concrete as the dust blasted into the sky by the nukes created a layer of dense clouds over the world."
"Please say what happened to other countries according to the best of evidence you have."
President Daniel said"okay, the Soviet union surface is overrun with mutants the only way people could have survived if they seek shelter underground.For France, citizens retreated to the catacombs to seek shelter from the radiation,china can been seen glowing from space, south America rainforest mutated and adapted to the radiation mexico is overrun with bandits and warlords other nations is still unknown due to the dense clouds covering the earth,Japan before the war is working on some form of project to escape earth and settle on the lunar surface I hope their ideas pay off in the end as no contact is heard from them after the bombs fell, we are trying to contact other nations but no contact so far is made."

"Now let's get on the technology you have laser technology, stimpack that can heal wounds in seconds,power armor made to carry heavy weapons on the battlefield and guass rifles,all of this is science fiction but now is science fact."UN secretary general said. Daniel kept the technology of the replicators a secret if replicator tech went out no doubt there will be war over it. Daniel said"yes,we have pretty advanced technology." "Will you be willing to share it?" the secretary general asked. Daniel replied"we can talk about it but I won't share tech with china,as america before the war distrusted china." The Chinese president is furious that fallout america president is making fun of him and decided he shall retire for the day.

At italica
Countless myui approached Jackson and his men as she said"I would like to know more the sino american war,how it's fought." Jackson raised an eyebrow at it before Hamilton chimed in and said"I saw the footage of the sino american war according to it you fought in the invasion of china."
Jackson replied"yea,I fought in the war is simply beyond comprehension both sides is so engrained with hatred that both sides refused to surrender and fought to the death." Myui said"could you elaborate." Jackson seeing no harm said"well one of the battles fought is Nanjing very gruesome-" myui chimed in and said"I heard of the this "battle of Nanjing" by colonel Johnson." Jackson said"yea he fought in the battle,the Chinese had overwhelming numbers so we decided to abandon Nanjing but before we abandoned it we zeroed it with chemical weapons,as the Chinese forces entered the designated kill zone we open fired with chemical munitions on them,over 3000 Chinese troops were in Nanjing when the shelling occured the Chinese air force rushed in to fight but were ambush by the american air force no Chinese plane made it without 100 miles of the city.we gave the remaining Chinese troops an offer to surrender but they denied it so we shell them again this time far larger killing thousands more,when american troops entered Nanjing, american forces saw deform Chinese corpses." Myui shudder at the sight she saw how devastating chemical weapons are when Jackson show her footage of the sino american war.

Deliah saw the aftermath of the slaughter of italica as the imperial army charge straight towards the jaws of the otherworlder weapons only to get mowed down even after seeing the otherworlders fight in the first time,she is still scared of their power. Mamina a warrior bunny walked towards Jackson and asked"Are you here to lay waste to the empire I heard that you nation killed over a million men on dalmus hill,is it true?" Jackson replied"yes,you should have seen the corpses literal mounts of them around the hill,why they charge don't they see they are only killing themselves." Jackson then showed her pictures of the dead at dalmus hill,mamina grin and said"the empire is arrogant they will blame anything before themselves I hope you kill every single one of them,just like how the empire butchered my people." Jackson is shocked at how blunt she is, he said"depends if the empire wants a war of annihilation then they will have it." Jackson don't believe it will come to this but after the sino american war and the great war he is abit nervous about fighting a war of annihilation.

Back at sadera
Herm is depressed at the thought he is a mute he can't speak only use hand gestures to communicate with his servants. The otherworlders did this to him,he will get his revenge,this humiliation he suffered will not go unpunished he will have his vengeance one way or the other.
Zorzal has promised him vengeance but he is worried as tyuule a warrior bunny queen zorzal enslaved has some input in the war table of sadera generals the thought of a demi human ordering the imperial army is a disgrace.tyuule is planning an offensive to the otherworlders but in reality she is planning where saderan forces will get slaughtered forces zorzal trusted her with planning war ha he has no idea his army is about to be crushed by the otherworlder overwhelming might.A grin smiled appeared on her face as she begin to imagine the horrors the imperial army will face.

Back at gate earth
President Daniel said"get Jackson and his men to come to gate earth to demonstrate our weapons." a soldier nodded and ran of to relay the order.

Fallout belongs to
Betheasda softworks

Gate belongs to takumi yanai illustrated by Daisuke Izuka and kurojish

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