Sadera great earthquake

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"what!,are you telling me that the otherworlders had taken over the port of proptor,that means those savages is only a stone throw away from the capital we need to do something?"zorzal shouted as he threw a wine goblet at the wall shattering it to pieces.

"How in hardy name do we lose the port of proptor?we have a flame dragon defending the port for heaven sake."General atlas said

"Your highness,I have a survivor from the port of proptor."mage Libra said

A imperial soldier then showed up with burns all over his body.

"Please try to explain how the otherworlders took the port of proptor."mage Libra said

"It was a normal day,when suddenly iron dragons appeared in the sky and rain down fire on us many of us burn to death,the fire just burns, especially the green coloured light which burns even hotter than the normal ones.The next wave of iron dragons dropped some form of cloud I--"the imperial soldier then cut off and begins to hyperventilating

"Take your time soldier."mage libra said

"Thank you,the next wave of iron dragons drop some form of toxic cloud over the port,the bodies of men and beast begin to melt away with some of their bodies just drop off,some of those men had their insides melted out,the otherworlders came in many ships like a great armada,the iron trolls turn countless of us into nothing but piles of ash,we shoot arrows at those iron trolls but to no avail as the arrows just bounced off their metal hide.Otherworlders armed with staves that can kill just by pointing at one if was as if those otherworlders have contained the power of the god of death and managed to blow it across the battlefield.Due to this we hide in houses to prevent the otherworlders having the advantage,we managed to slow it down for a while before they started to throw stones into the buildings that we are hiding which explodes killing those that hid in the houses.I considered retreating until I saw the flame dragon flying to help us to fight against the otherworlders,the flame dragon breathe down fire on those otherworlders killing many of them morale boosted among the defenders,we thought we had a chance against them until a red light blast forth from the sea wounding one of wings of the flame dragon,the flame dragon cried out in pain.The figure that wound the flame dragon rise out of the sea is big.A giant metal cyclops that shoots off red light that reduces it's enemies to nothing and throw eggs that explodes.The flame dragon then charge towards the metal cyclops and swung its tail at the metal cyclops,the metal cyclops flew back to the beach,the flame dragon charge the metal cyclops with the intent to eat it but the metal cyclops get up and punched the flame dragon in the mouth,the flame dragon cried in agony,the metal cyclops then fired it's red laser at the wounded wing of the flame dragon, tearing one of the wings of the flame dragon.The flame dragon crashed onto several buildings of proptor,the metal cyclops then went towards the wounded the flame dragon and shoved down mutiple explosive eggs down the flame dragon throat, ending the flame dragon,the flame dragon let out a mighty roar one last time before falling dead a one last defiance against the otherworldly.That's when we know the battle is lost,hope shattered I ran off from the battle and collapsed before mage Libra brought me here to testify what happened."the imperial soldier finished

The Senate room is silent before general atlas stood up and said"Did you say,you ran away from battle?"

"Yes,but sir you must understand, we have no chance against the otherworlders we are outmatched against them, the otherworldly fleet that landed in the port of proptor is nothing I have ever seen!It was as if a heavenly army landed there filled with divine fury destroying everything in their way I almost mistaken the otherworlders as gods!"the imperial soldier said

"You coward,I would have you whip and hung from the Infront of the entire imperial army to set an example of what happens to cowards,and compare the otherworldly fleet that invaded proptor to the gods is blasphemy,guards take that flith and make a example of him!"general atlas said

Mutiple royal guards of sadera took the imperial soldier and proceed to make an example for him of those what happens to cowards,his body is then hung infront of the imperial army to boost morale as the powers that ruled sadera thought by making a example of those that retreat will force the imperial army to fight to the last man or beast.

"This is bad,we have to something about it"Zorzal said

"Don't worry your highness,my mistress hardy had gain to enough power to allow small cracks to form in falmart which will allow some of the demons in the underworld to come to the mortal plain."Gissile said

As soon as Gissile said that a huge rumbling happened throughout falmart not under the otherworlder control begin to have cracks on the surface,the nameless beings crawl out of those cracks,most of those cracks happened near the city of sadera

Zorzal and his supporters rushed out to see those cracks appear outside the city of sadera and they saw a demon never been seen in falmart,the demon form is black with horns and giant flaming wings, holding a giant flaming sword.Soon mutiple demons of those same stature broke through the cracks of the ground.

"Those are called demons of terror during the age of the powers those demons slaughtered their way across falmart,they are invincible as no swords or bows can not hurt it and can only be destroyed by weapons of made of pure light.My mistress hardy almost had control of falmart with the help of demons of terror until flare came with the power of thermonuclear fusion and sealed them in underworld and cast my mistress there as well."Gissile said

"Is there any monsters will be rising out of those cracks?"Zorzal said with a grin

"Of course,those include the giant worm Tigre the first dragon of falmart it is called a giant worm as it has no wings as my mistress did not consider putting wings on dragons at the time a fatal mistake which soon led to her defeat by flare but she has learned her lesson and won't be making the same mistake again.Speaking of dragons there will be the father flame dragon soon rising soon from those cracks,be patient it takes time to build a army"Gissile said

One of demons of terror flew to the throne room with his flamming wings and smashed the ceiling with his flamming sword,many senators run away from the collapsing ceiling.

"I am mog the captain of the demons of terror,I serve my goddess hardy during the age of the forgotten."mog said

"We shall drive the otherworlders back to their world and invade them."Zorzal said with a grin.

"I propose we assault the port of proptor with some of the force we have now,I recommend we sent another flame dragon and some those demons of terror against the otherworlders."general atlas said

"I agree,I have come to the decision,Legate germanium."zorzal said

"Yes,your highness?"Legate germanium said

"I want you to command a force of 55000 troops consisting of trolls, goblins,men to take back the port of proptor and lastly you will get to command some of the demons of terror and a 2 flame dragons you got it?"Zorzal said

"Yes of course."Legate germanium said

"Let's not waste anymore time we are going to push the otherworlders back to whence they came."zorzal said

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