War of self destruction

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The deaths for against the otherworlders so far beyond sadera could imagine, millions of deaths the grief of the people is well heard as everyday someone could be heard crying about the lost of their loved ones,yet the powers that ruled sadera refuse to surrender of even talk to the enemy, conscription of the common folk to the army to be used as cannon fodder.All the of peaceful senators are either killed or fled the capital with zorzal purging anyone that refused to bow down to him, he will have his revenge against colonel Johnson that otherworlder humiliated him beyond words he will ensure his death is long and painful.The pro war senators are using supporting the war effort saying that they can win it just like the artic war where they overwhelm the enemy through sheer numbers but the deaths speaks of itself the saderan government tried to cover it up but failed to as the death of millions is impossible to cover up. Zorzal said"we will win this war against the otherworlders savages as we are chosen by the gods,we will march on their position to corner them around the dalmus river and crush them by sheer numbers we will attack the otherworlders of dalmus hill as they are weak after an unknown event."

Meanwhile on gate earth
"Captain Samuel Jackson new orders from the top." A fallout american said as he handed the orders to him,as he is ordered to go to the dalmus river to defend as drones show an army of 100000 men is marching towards it.jackson and his squad is rushed to the Frontline of the river to defend the river from attack,a squadron of green berets has been sent by president dirrel to help them.

At dalmus river
Many saderan troops has march within 1km of the distance and the mage godasen is trusted with leading the army as sadera saw the lost many skillfull general so they conscripted help from rondel. Godasen said"The empire must be really desperate to win this war normally mages will not be on the battlefield due to how hard they are to find and train." Godasen brought along 50 grand mages of sadera,grand mages are mages who is the most powerful mages in all of sadera and there are only 70 grand mages in all of sadera.

Godasen then sound the charge towards the river and said"kill those otherworlders don't die until you have killed at least 50 otherworlders!"
Thousands of men rushed to dalmus river immediately artillery fired landing on scores of men killing dozen in one fell swoop when they get close to the river shore fallout american soldiers opened up their machine guns,many troops fell prey to the barrage of lead.godasen did this to guage the enemy he saw the sparks of light fired from the enemy weapons killing dozens in seconds so he thought if he could try to conjure a shield to protect them. He told the other mages to conjure a magical shield more powerful than in all of sadera history.

Jackson is firing his all American assault rifle non stop legions of men would just die just before they even set foot in the river to cross over to the otherside.james is firing his laser rifle at the enemy turning the imperial to ash yet they came it looks like for every one they take down ten more take their place. Suddenly he saw a magical shield starts to form he realized the men sent here to the position were to die to guage their abilities.jackson shot his all American assault rifle at the magical shield but to his horror the bullets just deflected it,the 50cals is not punching through it.immediately Jackson called a mustard gas barrage on the enemy the mustard gas spread through the lines as the magical shield only deflect kinetic weapons and laser weaponry.But gas is a whole other story as he can still soon see the classic symptoms of chemical munitions on enemy troops.Due to the magical shield being conjured most the forces ran to the shield for cover so the shield is overcrowded with troops  making the kill zone of mustard gas even worst as the gas melted.In the span of a few moments most of the grand mages sent to the dalmus river is killed with only a few and godasen surviving.

What happened next is a bloodbath fallout american soldiers fired their R91 assault rifles,laser machine guns,guass rifle, plasma weaponry,50cal weapons down the range the storm of death hit the imperial legion with such force that the magical shield that is conjured by the grand mages is shattered as artillery shell increase in intensity as each artillery shell hit the magical shield along with small arms fire mana is used to prevent the shield from breaking after a few minutes all of the magical shield protecting the imperial army is shattered artillery reap a bloody harvest. Johnson said"we need to find out how they can shield themselves from modern weaponry I saw one of these mages I will go and take care of it, Johnson then activated his vets and shot his R91 assault rifle at the mage leg making him scream in pain next he shot the mages in the hand slowly torturing him to death from afar.

Godasen lay on the ground in pain as he is hit by the otherworlder magics he felt as if his insides is hit by a sledgehammer. Until an unknown figure came behind him and knock him out.

Johnson said"we must know how they do this I will ensure he breaks and get some stealth boys to track the few remaining mages back to whence they came so we can know their position and bomb them to oblivion!"

The battle of dalmus river was a short one as the moment the mages fall the imperial army retreated due to the mages begin killed early more than 95000 troops survive as they went back, Many of them places near rondel little do they know they have caught fallout america attention with those that caught fallout america attention don't usually last long.

5 days later

"So they managed to come up with magic to stop our small arms?" General William Wales implied
Jackson said"yes sir"
"Very well do we have the location of this rondel?" Wales asked
"Yes sir due to the retreating mages we track them with stealth boys we track them to this place called rondel." Jackson replied
Wales said"very well I want an air raid on rondel effective immediately,bomb those imperial mages bastards to ash."

Fallout belongs to
Betheasda softworks

Gate belongs to takumi yanai illustrated by Daisuke Izuka and kurojish

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