Interviews part 2

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"Hi all I am Trevor from CNN,due to the revelation that fallout america will join NATO once their military is restored to pre war might had caused not only concerns for china but also north Korea and Iran.North Korea has accused America of disturbing world peace as Kim jong un said"This is outrageous, America is trying to help fallout america military rebuilt,the last thing we need is fallout america troops on south Korea we are already angry with american troops in south Korea but fallout america troops as well that is crossing the line we don't need crazy troops armed with sci Fi weapons hellbent on spreading democracy in south Korea as that is causing a break to world peace."
North Korea ambassador has also accused America of upsetting the world order by ensuring that America status of superpower will remain for foresee future.Military and political commentators Sam William explains

"Welcome to the show Sam Williams would you mind explain why north Korea is so paranoid of fallout america?"Trevor asked

"Well,this past year has been exciting for us as an unknown gate opening up to world of fantasy and another gate opened up to an alternate earth where world war 3 happened making America the only survivor in that world is crazy."Sam William said

"Yes,it has been quite a crazy ride this year,but can we go back to where we are."Trevor said

"Of course,the reason north Korea is behaving more crazy then usual is due to fallout america military might in the pre war world before the bombs fell."Sam William said

"What do you mean?"Trevor asked

"Well,first where is the gate located?"Sam William said

"Japan,ginza"Trevor said

"Yes,and fallout America is basically right across the gate and Japan is extremely close to north Korea which means that if war were to break out between south Korea and north Korea fallout american soldiers will be about to reach south Korea faster than American soldiers reinforcements as they are closer.Next Fallout america military might is extreme,their industrial might is able to produce war materials for the war effort when the world is running low on resources."Sam William said

"So,how does that translate to north Korea acting more crazy then ever before?"Trevor asked

"You have to look at the history of the fallout US military during the resource war which is basically world war 3.Fallout America is dealing with a pandemic which killed thousands if not hundreds of thousands of their own people,gas prices soared to unreasonable prices which cause cars which run on fuel to die down,do you know that how much does a gallon of gas cost in fallout america?a gallon of gas cost $7450.99 and a premium gas gallon cost $8500.99, inflation is out of control , supply shortages as food and other essential supplies is nowhere to be found,political unrest across the country,crime being out of control, these factors had gotten so bad that fallout america had to declare martial law to restore some semblance of order,yet despite all of this fallout America military is able to kick out an invading superpower and followed them across the ocean, liberating countries annexed by fallout china and lastly invading fallout china itself destroying millions of communist in their way.Also the war used chemical and biological weapons which is banned in warfare, lastly the Korean campaign during the sino american war which saw fallout US troops steamrolling the communist forces in Korea destroying them with ease as fallout US forces crushed fallout china and fallout Korean communist forces in under a year in the korean peninsula that is serious humiliation for the communist this is basically a 2v1 and despite having numerically superior forces you got wipe out so what does that say about your military it says that your military is useless and weak to the world."Sam William said

"Ah,so this whole thing is just saving face as I will pissed too if my army is destroyed in under a year by a numerically lesser force."Trevor replied

"No,that is not all as well,this demonstrate that the fallout US military is very powerful as they are able to win while wars while dealing with domestic issues this means that this not even the full might of the fallout US military as they are also suffering from a resource crisis can you imagine if fallout US did not suffer any political unrest or inflation or resource crisis or a pandemic, they would have stomped fallout china even worst it will be basically be abuse at this point and now you if you put yourself in the shoe of north Korea you just saw your counterpart aided with a ruthless version of china getting decimated by a ruthless US in just under a year as the Korean campaign lasted from 2067-2068,now you are seeing your worst enemy America aiding fallout america which in your eyes is a genocidal maniac with high tech weapons and orbital death rays straight out of sci Fi movie,of course you will be afraid."Sam William said

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