Hope of a broken world

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The UN through a meeting has decided to sent more aid to fallout america to rebuild itself from the ashes of a nuclear scientist, engineers , UN peace keepers,news organizations and green berets were sent through the gate into the special region and into fallout earth.Though they have seen what fallout earth looks like through the previous expedition the journey through the gate connecting the special region and fallout earth still feels surreal as this world is similar to theirs but went through a nuclear war.

Green beret sargeant Cody said"boys welcome back to the waste." and corporal bimore replied"yes,we are sent back to post apocalyptic america.
Due to the UN sending aid to fallout america, general William Wales has decided to recall captain Jackson and his men from fort Orion and replaced with Johnson men to hold fort Orion,while Jackson and his men will come back to fallout america to brief the newcomers about the dangers of the wasteland as many those sent by the UN has only seen fallout earth through a Livestream aside from the green berets which has been here once.

President Daniel has built a UN base in fallout america to cater for the needs for the relief force of the UN.
The UN base is called "New hope" the name is chosen because the UN base will give fallout america the hope to rebuild itself from a nuclear holocaust.Inside the the UN base has a massive briefing room with captain Jackson standing inside already waiting for the relief force sent by the UN.

"Thank you for coming to fallout Earth to help my nation rebuild now I am ordered by the president of the united states to brief all of you on the dangers of the wasteland, although we have already taken care of the more dangerous aspects of the wasteland such as the horrors of the Mariposa Military Base where a huge amount of the FEV is discovered due to this the base is set for destruction and was targeted with a bunker buster missile from a F108 rapier to prevent the virus from escaping or to prevent anyone for falling into the pool of the FEV and Appalachia was nuked by US military troops after US troops discovered were bio weapons being created, general William Wales took no chances fearing a plaque will spread throughout Appalachia so he order US forces to nuke it.Though these threats is eliminated the wasteland of America is still dangerous so I will be telling you about the mutants around Boston as there are countless abominations that roam the waste so keep time short I will tell you about the mutants of Boston.First of all we have the mirelurks they are thought to have mutated from craps but beware of a more dangerous breed known as a mirelurk queen as the queen can withstand high powered rifles and laser weaponry also she can spit acid at you which is extremely corrosive they are normally found near water areas." Jackson said.

Jackson then showed a picture of a mirelurk, mirelurk king and a mirelurk queen to let the gate earth relief effort know how the mirelurks look like and how to tell the difference between a mirelurk, mirelurk king and mirelurk queen.

The relief force is shocked at the horrors of the wasteland but managed to control their outburst to make a fool of themselves. Green beret Cody said"if you will excuse me is there anymore mutants other than mutants craps?"

"I have not finished my presentation yet,now let me move on to the radroach basically cockroach but they are bigger than a normal cockroach they are easily taken down but in large numbers is where the problem as they can overwhelming you through sheer numbers I would recommend using flamethrowers,there is also ghouls and feral ghouls,a ghoul is where one is exposed to radiation but did not die of radiation poisoning or lost their minds they are immortal and feral ghouls is where the radiation has destroyed their brains turning them into basically zombies,feral ghouls can be taken down with a few shots best is you shoot them in the dead to guarantee a kill and to save bullets."Jackson said

"Next we have mole rats they are bigger than pre war rats but they can be killed with pistols but their strength come from large numbers so a flamethrower will be ideal to deal with this.i have come to the end of the mutants in Boston any questions?"Jackson also said.

"No"the relief effort team said

"Good"Jackson replied

The briefing is recorded by the media groups sent to fallout earth,the viewers is shocked at the mutated wildlife as everything is trying to kill you.with some viewers immediately to spray their room with pesticide to kill any insects in their room.

Comments section
"Giant cockroaches hell no "
"So basically Australia then where everything is trying to kill you."
"Imagine the mutants of fallout Australia terrifying."
"Imagine a mutated kangaroo."
"Stop giving me nightmares I can't sleep now!"

After the briefing UN forces immediately went to set up more water purifiers around Boston to ensure more clean water is send to the survivors of fallout america, relief efforts begin to construct more houses for fallout americans.UN forces also begin to give out fresh food to the settlers as mostly the survivors of fallout america has been eating mole rats, mirelurks and whatever canned food that has been left after the bombs has fallen.Many fallout americans thank them for giving them help when asked how it should be repaid UN forces say they don't need to be repaid  as these is their jobs.

UN engineers begin to set more power lines to bring more electricity to Boston as although fallout US military has set up power lines to try and give power to Boston the requirements still feel short as they are short on resources but with UN forces these requirements can be met as the plan for relief efforts is to fix Boston first then expand towards the rest of fallout America.

"This is Trevor from CNN as you can see UN forces giving out food to fallout americans and engineers setting up power cables to bring more electricity to Boston although there is set up power cables set up by the fallout america military the requirements fell short as fallout america is short on resources and also need to concentrate on other parts of the country not just Boston. As you can see there is a-"Trevor is immediately cut of by a kid which looks like a age of 3 with a paper with a drawing of a sun. The kid said"look it is the the sun my mommy once told me the skies is not always black as there is something called a sun which gives warmth to the world."
Trevor is shocked as he remember this kid is only 3 years old this means he was born in the year in which the nuclear war took place which means he has never seen the sun in his life."
Trevor then said"Yes,your mommy is correct there is something called a sun which gives light and warmth to the world." Around this time the boy mother came out and said"sorry,as you know my son is curious about the sun as he has never seen the sun before." The mother than picked up her kid and walked away from Trevor.
The full interaction is caught on camera by CNN cameras which soon breaks the hearts of many as mothers wept at the thought of a child never seeing the sun of felt the warmth of the sun in their lives.

Comments section
"Can't imagine growing up without seeing the sun."
"This breaks my heart as a mother knowing you children has never seen or felt the warmth of the sun."
"This is why we must get rid of nukes as this is what happens look at this! kids don't even know if the sun existed or know the warmth of the sun."
"I agree"
"Now I would never take the sun for granted."
"Such innocence in a world filled with horror and abominations gives me hope that fallout earth will recover from this catastrophe."

Fallout belongs to
Betheasda softworks

Gate belongs to takumi yanai illustrated by Daisuke Izuka and kurojish

Info on the F108 rapier

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