Exploring New Vegas part 6

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"That's all of Gomorrah,now we can explore the Lucky 38 and if we are lucky we can meet Mr house himself one of the brightest mind in fallout america."Jackson said

"This is Trevor from CNN can you tell more about the lucky 38, like the history of the place."Trevor asked

"Well,you are in a for a ride let me explain the Lucky 38 is a pre-War relic and an enduring monument to Mr. House's vision of Las Vegas: luxury without decadence, refinement without elitism, class without snobbery.

As part of the establishment's pre-War history, a mob shootout took place in the nearby Ultra-Luxe casino on July 13, 2072 and one of the alleged perpetrators holed up in the Lucky 38 with the money stolen from a recent heist. The individual was able to escape the room at the Lucky 38 through a window.

Aside from the varied and colorful past of the establishment, many other developments were occurring in the years leading up to the war. Robert House thoroughly modified the building in preparation for the upcoming apocalypse. Accurate long-range laser cannons linked to massive processing centers were installed on top of the tower to defend against nuclear warheads. A massive underground storage facility for Securitrons was built into the foundation. But the greatest marvel was the reason behind Mr. House's withdrawal from society: a preservation chamber built into the core of the penthouse floor, where the potentate sacrificed his mortal shell in return for immortality. Wired into the Lucky 38's mainframe and power core, House was ready to face the coming apocalypse, save for one last item: an OS upgrade for the Lucky 38 contained on the platinum chip.

Due to the unfortunate timing of the Great War, the chip never arrived. Forced to work with an inferior OS, Mr. House nevertheless managed to destroy a majority of the warheads aimed at the Mojave, but eventually suffered a critical system crash and was forced into a coma."Jackson ended

"Wait are you telling me the tower shot down icbm during the great war?"Trevor enquired

"Mr house place laser cannons onto the lucky 38 to prepare himself for the upcoming nuclear apocalypse."Jackson said

"Damm,This is Trevor from CNN as now we are going to the lucky 38,The very place that shot down the icbm heading towards Vegas thus sparing the city from atomic fire."Trevor ended

The interview is broadcasted to gate earth.This spark a huge curiosity back at gate earth as they are going to see the laser cannons that shot down the ICBMs launched at Vegas.Although gate earth america is installing the same anti icbm system of Mr house, those are not fully functional yet and have not yet finished installing it throughout gate earth america.Many express their reaction in the comments section below.

Comments section
"I want to see the icbm system in action."
"I think the lucky 38 is the most important sites in fallout america due to its advanced anti icbm system."
"Remarkable,makes me want to move to Vegas as now I know that Vegas will  be safe during a nuclear war."

Jackson then led the gate earth personnel and media to the lucky 38 when the gate earth personnel saw the lucky 38 they are impressed by it,a huge tower of steel with laser cannons so strong that it can shoot down ICBMs.

"Well Directly inside the front door is the main casino floor, fit with gambling tables and slot machines that can be played. The cashier's room is to the left. Above the cashier's room is a VIP lounge,so please have fun here remember all expenses is payed by the US military"Jackson said

"I got a question captain Jackson"bimore said

"Yes?"Jackson said

"How is the fallout US military able to pay all these?"bimore said

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