UN summit part 2

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UN building (gate earth New York)

"I am a representative from north Korea as I am here to voice my concerns from my surpreme leader about fallout america"North Korea representative said

"What is your concern of your 'surpreme' leader?"president Daniel asked

"Well for starters, fallout america is pushing western imperialism on the inhabitants on the special region, using nuclear weapons on primitive nation using swords and bows it's like when the colonists exterminated the native americans population.Next showing the nuclear destruction you rain down on fallout china it is clear that fallout america responded with inappropriate force during the great war of 2077 as fallout america did not suffer as much as fallout china did as fallout america did not suffer as much as fallout china did.Especially your usage of nuclear weapons has shocked my surpreme leader so much that he is caving to some of the demands of your counterpart gate earth america as my surpreme leader is now scared of fallout america."north Korea representative said

"I agree with north Korea representative as my nation military officals can't sleep properly due to fallout america willingness to use nuclear weapons on human cities during a nuclear war,also did all of you remember fallout china fate! fallout america nuke fallout china so badly that it can be seen glowing from space even with dust clouds blocking the sky that just shows how badly fallout america imperialist are nuking any nation that stands in their way! I called it a war crimes against humanity, fallout america is basically the Nazis!"Iran ambassador said

"Yes,it true look at what fallout america did to my counterpart! fallout america nuke my counterpart so heavily that it can been seen from space it's not fair this is bullying at it's finest as in a nuclear war one must be compassionate you cannot just let loose not your entire nation nuclear stockpile at another nation which is outmatched, do you know that what fallout america done to fallout china during the great war of 2077 is so horrendous that Chinese generals is having PTSD about it due to fallout china nuked so badly that it can been seen from space.Not to mention giving power armor to gate earth america to use against the Taliban, which I heard from reports that some Taliban is just surrendering upon seeing the t-51b power armor suits due to the destruction it caused to them!"Zhou Xin lin china ambassador exclaimed

"It's true based on the wounds inflicted on the Taliban by those power armor given to gate earth america by the devilish fallout america has been causing terror to the Taliban to the point that are having nightmares about it all they can talk is about is metal monstrosity coming to kill them.This is blatant intrusion of human rights!I demand power armor to be ban from war as it is against the Geneva convention to use power armor in war as you can't take a minigun decked in a metal suit of armor and just walked into a cave filled with Taliban and just light it up killing everyone inside!"Pakistan ambassador exclaimed

"Let me address your concerns, first of all power armor is not against the Geneva convention and besides the UN collapse in my timeline in 2052, nations don't give a damm about the Geneva convention after that.Next china ambassador Zhou Xin lin you are saying that my nation must be compassionate in a nuclear war when my nation detected thousands of nukes flying to my nation are you crazy?No one wins a nuclear war the only war one can so called win a 'nuclear war' is to ensure that the other side can't rebuild and based on satalite imagery it seemed that is the fate of fallout china as it is nuked so badly that it can been seen glowing from space.Also about the targeting of cities in nuclear war is justified as some of your nation counterpart military bases is near cities so yea,also nuking a city also prevents a nation from rebuilding itself as how can you rebuild your nation when your nation cities is reduced to radioactive cinders,this plays to the part of ensuring that your enemy nation can not rebuild which my generals ensured that it will not be rebuilt for centuries to come.For the topic of using nuclear weapons on the Saderans it's necessary as the nation made a deal with a extremely powerful being that can only be hurt with nukes as my presentation showed it moments ago."president Daniel said

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