War of words

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The revelation that fallout america president is alive shocked not only fallout america but gate earth as many people went online to comment on various social media platform to voice their thoughts

"The boss is back"
"First post- apocalyptic president of America"
"So how are we going to address america president now as there is 2 presidents"

At the UN meeting

China president Dong Dechou said"the international criminal court and human rights watch has found fallout america of human rights violations.The people in death camps placed purposely during the sino american war."
President Daniel responded"I find it funny that Human rights organization will immediately charge my nation with human rights abuses while remaining silent on china which is commiting human rights violation like nothing." Sally a human rights watcher said"You should be ashamed of yourself condemning china while you sent people to death,your country has advanced technology yet refuse to share it,pushed china to nuclear war."
President Daniel responded"look miss,my nation survive a nuclear war and the first thing we hear from supposed civilized people is that we should be in jail, without understanding our situation,you judge as from your moral high ground. Is it moral to not respond when thousands of nukes are fired to your nation."Daniel then continued"You judge us from a set of morals, at the end of the day you all return home to your lavish homes, without radiation, mutants or crazy people trying to kill you or worry about the very air you breathe may be your last due to radiation,about when will I get clean water to drink or will there be food to eat today."
Sally responded"it is in time of crisis when one will is tested you targeted civilians cities with nukes how can you justify it!" as she narrow her eyes.
President Daniel said"look at my nation,china shot first and new York was hit,million killed instantly in that single strike alone we are responding in kind if what you say want to limit the death in the war then you should tell china to not launch nukes guess you are too in your hate for america that you are willing to condem that america did not suffer as much as china did you want an equal death count,so according to your logic america should not respond as she has more advance tech than china,do tell me what will you do?"
Sally responded"I would have given Alaska and all of America tech to china."
Daniel responded"Wow,so you would give up a whole chunk of America to china and america tech to china tell me when has appeasement done anything but make things worst just look at world war 2.For us we can look at the resource wars as many nations were annexed."
Sally replied"china annex other nations because they need resources to survive!"Daniel responded"so do we so by your logic we can justify america annexing Canada and Mexico."
Sally said"Stop putting words in my mouth" and she stormed out of the meeting room.The event is live on television
Comments section
"Looks like the arrogant moral lady got put in her place"
"Logic: Someone survives a nuclear war comes to society,go to jail"
"UN useless since 1945"
"UN: sorry you must be in jail as you survive a nuclear war, survivor guilt."

Dirrel said"enough,let be friends today we shall discuss if we should help fallout america,I say we should as the american people want to help their nuclear counterparts."

Dirrel then showed them the horror of the wasteland the mutants that roamed the waste killing everything in their way many people across the world gasped in shock.

After seeing the horror of the waste many people supported to help fallout america rebuild.

UN secretary general said"it is decided that we will send a UN team to the gate build a outpost after that we can begin relief efforts we need a fob." President Daniel replied"I can build one for you just tell me the requirements." The secretary general said"very well,we will be giving you the requirements for the base."

"Wait I am a military expert James Wilson I have taken interest in resource war I would like more information about it as the war between the European commonwealth and the middle east is not as documented." Wilson said

Germany chancellor said"I agree with James Wilson,the European commonwealth war with the middle east is not as documented as the sino american war so I suggest a trade we give you aid while you try to find history of the European commonwealth wars as my nation is curious about their counterpart."

A France ambassador said"I agree I am also curious what happened to my nation during wars and after."

President Daniel said"well it's a good trade,I will try to find history of the European commonwealth during the resource wars."

Comments section
"I think Japan after the war is tentacles."
"Australia is probably the same"
"I am from Poland there is nothing to nuke here."
"I am from Sweden no one want to nuke poor innocent Sweden."

This lead to a television show named"What happened to the rest of the world?"
The show includes historians and military experts from all over the world to discuss the fate of other countries in fallout earth.
Military expert James Wilson said"The rest of the world may have fared worst as according to what we know the European commonwealth dissolved into bickering states as they started to kill each other during the war and during the great war the participants of the great war are america,china, Soviet union and other nuclear countries.This can only mean that the European commonwealth us somewhat still intact before the great war of 2077 this would mean they would have been nuked twice." Military expert brown disagree as he said"The European commonwealth suffered economic collapse before the bombs fell their wars with the middle east and each other must have weaken each other so they must been a less of a target for nukes so Europe status by the time of the great war they would not been seen as a threat to the big three which is china, america and the Soviet union so their weakened state may end making them less nuked by other nations."
Military expert James Wilson said"I disagree europe is less hit during the war,as this war is about idealogy and we know that Europe is a prime target for nukes during the cold war and fallout earth is basically cold war to the extreme so I say Europe was hit hard."

Fallout belongs to
Betheasda softworks

Gate belongs to takumi yanai illustrated by Daisuke Izuka and

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