Exploring big mt part 2

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Next Jackson then led them to see the scientist of big mt and Jackson said"You see some of the scientist sort of achieved immortality but no the immortality you envisioned now please,tell your viewers don't be scared,you will be seeing a think tank." Jackson then led the gate earth personnel to the think tanks the media is filming and Livestream  what is happening in real time to gate earth with billions of viewers.The media and gate earth personnel then saw the "think tanks" it looks like something from a horror movie as it is basically a robotic sphere-shaped body housing a human brain, with three monitors attached to the robot's chassis the media is shocked at this until a news reporter from MSNBC snap out of her shock and said"Mr Jackson can you tell me what those brains are?"

"Those brains once belong to scientist of big mt, the think tank project was a scientific project created in Big MT. The project's purpose was to preserve the six Big MT executives. These now-robotic scientists are Klein, Mobius, Dala, 0, 8 and Borous.They preserve their brains this way so with effective maintenance and care they are effectively immortal, remember what I said earlier they sort of achieved immortality but not in the way you expect."Jackson said

"Are they still aware of their surroundings as their "brains" is effectively in jars and can they talk?"Sofia asked

"Yes they are aware of their surroundings and yes they can talk as they are able to communicate verbally due to a voice module that is integrated into the robotic chassis and connected to the brain."Jackson said

"Oh thank you this is more of a shocker we all know that fallout america has sci Fi tech but these is next level able to preserve one brain in a jar,now I know why when Jackson they scientist here sort of achieved immortality but not in the way we expect."Sofia replied

Jackson then said"Ma'am you can do a interview with them if you will as they are still technically human just without the human body but with machinery but be warned most if not all of them is abit how should I say crazy don't ask to hard questions as the robobrains is equipped with weapons that can kill you."

Reporter Sofia nodded then went to the think tanks as she found out that she will be first person in history to interview a sci Fi robot with a human brain come to think of it she is technically making history Sofia then walked towards a think tank

"Uhh, I am a reporter Sofia from MSNBC,can you tell me more about yourself?"Sofia asked

The think tank who identified herself as dala said"I am Doctor Dala the first head chief researcher of mineralogy who became a think tank to continue her work."

"Tell me more about your hobbies."Sofia asked

"Well I have a fascination with the human body as it help me release pent up sexual frustration and i can only find release in examining living tissue or observing various physiological actions."the think tank who identified as dala.

"Ok I has come to the end of the interview ,thank you for the interview."Sofia

"Will you come back again as this place is really nice."the think tank who identified as dala said

"Depends,besides I find you really cool."Sofia said

Before the think tank can respond reporter Sofia immediately ran away from the think tank as she is creeped out by the think tank behavior releasing pent up sexual frustration in the form of examining living tissue and observing various physiological actions this think tank woman is crazy.

The event is livestreamed to Gate earth,gate earth is shocked, it seems when they thought fallout america has no surprise left a new surprise soon hit them.Medical professionals soon wondered how can fallout america doctors is able to remove one brain and put it one of the jars yet still not killing the brain as this change what means to be human immortality is sort of achieved no doubt there will debate about what is ethical and unethical but fallout america seems not to care about it.Many viewers find the interview with the think tank unnerving as these think tanks literally lost their minds and has descended into insanity many took the comments section to voice their reaction.

Comments section
"Finding release of sexual frustration in examining living tissue or observing various physiological actions? What kind of fetish is this? fallout america has some weird fetish."
"Is everybody crazy in fallout america."

"Now who want to see teleportation?" Jackson said

As soon as the word teleportation is heard gate earth personnel turned their head direction towards him and Cody of the green berets said"what do you mean teleportation?That is sci Fi technology oh wait fallout america is basically all sci Fi tech."

Jackson then pulled out a device with a bluish glow and said"This is a big mountain transportalponder it allows me to to teleport between the Mojave Wasteland and The Sink balcony back to the Big MT satellite at Mojave Drive-in. This can only be done while outdoors, outside of combat, too far from the destination or in a place with a camouflaging system."

Jackson then asked a CNN reporter to lend him a camera to show the teleporter works.Jackson then activated the teleporter and in an instant he disappeared Infront of the gate earth personnel the signal is briefly lost before it regain contact the camera then showed the Mojave drive in and suddenly it lost contact again suddenly Jackson appeared back in big mt, Jackson then give the camera back to the CNN reporter.

Everybody is stunned and silent at the moment as this is teleportation technology of the future.The shock soon ware of with a CNN reporter breaking the silent.

"My,this is shocking I am Trevor from CNN may I ask you how these technology work as you teleportation is in the realm of science fiction and Hollywood movies but in your world this is a reality."

"I don't know how these works you need to ask the creators."

Comments section
"Hope teleportation technology can soon be introduced to our earth going to make life easier no need to ride the new York subway."
A reply wrote"don't remind me of that"
"Now with teleportation technology I won't have to wake up so early to go to school as I can have more sleep ha take that mom"
"Now I won't be late for work if I have teleportation as the roads I drive to my company always is choked to the brim of cars during rush hour."

Jackson said"let's rest at big mt tomorrow we will continue our tour of fallout america you will need the strength to keep up and by the way those cyberdogs my general William Wales have decided to sent some of those to gate earth to fight against the drugs crossing the southern border as some gate  earth us military generals is interested in it. "

Gate earth personnel and news organizations from gate earth then went to respective rooms to rest up to see what surprises fallout america has installed for them.

Gate earth
PETA an animal rights organization with it's staff members are marching on Washington DC and standing outside the japanese embassy demanding they be allowed to access  the gate so that they can access fallout earth.The goal of this movement is so that PETA can access fallout earth and stage a protest there as their plan is explained a PETA staff member named Alexia.
Alexia said"we are demanding access to the gate so that we can access fallout earth and stage a protest there we are going to block the fallout US military way to big mt by lying on the ground so if they want to transport supplies they must run us over this way we can cut of supplies of big mt,the reason is simple as the gate earth US military won't harm US civilians and the fallout US military is technically the same as gate earth US military which means they have to either to break their oath and start executing people on live television in order to access big mt in which they won't do.We are here to represent animal rights be afraid of us fallout america we are coming for you!"
Another PETA activist said"Alexia is right besides what are the fallout US military going to do?call down orbital nukes or lasers on us big deal they won't dare as fallout america still has the constitution."

Fallout belongs to
Betheasda softworks

Gate belongs to takumi yanai illustrated by Daisuke Izuka and kurojish

Big mt reference

Doctor dala reference

Think tank reference

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