battle of tears

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"To the united states of America
You were warned of interference when we sought conquest you resisted,you may have killed hundreds of thousands of men but saderan has an unlimited supply of men willing to die for the empire,now my demand is your nation immediate surrender all advanced technology you made to be given to sadera and 50000 woman as slaves as an act of Mercy consider this carefully refuse or you will be destroyed!"
Sign by zorzal own hand

"What bull is this!" Jackson shouted, colonel Johnson first read of this letter than ask Jackson to return to base.

Johnson said"well,well looks like I got another person to play with, I have for orders from general William Wales to break this zoral guy I know what to do."

Back at sadera
"We have gathered a million strong army will be marching towars dalmus to get rid of those otherworlders of dalmus hill!"zorzal said, imperial troops cheered as they begin to march towards dalmus hill.

Back at dalmus hill
"What should we do" asked Jackson
General William Wales replied"me and colonel Johnson has decided we are going on the defensive as we are on the hill we will be stockpiling ammo so we can be ready for the storm and make the enemy think we are not ready.we just need to make them walk into our trap."

The ammo and weapons stockpile lasted for 4 days and fallout American troops prepare themselves for the coming storm.weapons were double checked artillery were loaded ready to fire.

Little do saderan know this battle will be know as the battle of tears.

The 5th day arrived a army of a million strong,the biggest army assembled in sadera history,when they got within eyesight of dalmus hill they charged toward the hill,50cal snipers opened up taking out the officers of the imperial army,tanks fired their load on to the ranks of the enemy killing hundred at a time due the imperial army being bundle up to each other, thousands of men were slaughtered in the first few minutes but they still came thinking that they can win through sheer numbers, artillery fired like a musical soap opera as each artillery has a unique sound when fired creating an erie music of death, only to be interrupted by the screams and cries of man and beast.vertibirds commits mini nuke runs on the enemy killing thousands more the ground of dalmus hill became piled with corpses but the imperial still march forward thinking they can still win as they thought just a little more,it will be over.weyerns swoop down from the sky in hundreds but laser anti aircraft took down without effort every shot killing a imperial weyern rider making them crush onto hard unforgiving ground below,the weyern fall from the sky like leaves in attuum,in the span of a few hours destroying the entire imperial airforce.

Imperial who survived the initial artillery strikes were soon shot or blown up by more artillery pieces.When the 800m mark is crossed Randall Clark ordered the men to fire their machine guns,rifles,laser,railguns motars everything they have to the enemy to reap the lives of the enemy,on cue thousands of rifles,lasers,railguns opened fired in a canopy of fire, the smell of burning sulfur can be felt in the air, bullet casings were being expended in the thousands.50cal tore apart men causing some imperial legions to simply disappear as thousands of 50cal bullets hit them with a force of 14,000 and 20,000 joules simply shredding them apart many saderan men cried out only for fallout america troops aim their R91 assault rifle at them and shooting them again silencing them to death sweet embrace.Bullets wheeze past the imperialist while most of them found their mark as thousands fall to the storm of lead.

"Reloading"Jackson shouted as he reloaded his all American assault rifle,when his assault rifle is loaded, he smiled and fire his rifle at sadera troops,5.56 bullet tore through the sadera troops killing even more sadera troops."load the mustard shell now we got where the saderan in the kill zone." Johnson shouted,on cue chemical munitions were fired the mustard gas shell hit in the middle of formation spreading the lethal gas away to the imperial troops causing many of them to choke on the spot blocking the advance of the army,creating a mini jam on the highway making a cluster of bodies.
Fallout american troops saw this and took advantage of it,R91 assault rifle,all American assault rifle,light laser machine guns,plasma rifles fired on the horde of mass of men stuck on the base of dalmus hill maiming thousands more."American air force will be conducting a firebomb the entire area around dalmus hill is filled with these imperialist and after that, there will be another chemical shelling to increase the death toll."Jackson shouted as he fired his all assault rifle at the enemy troops,he saw a imperial troop hiding in a bomb shell crater holding his hands around his head, Jackson then fired his all American rifle at the imperial troop the 5.56 bullet tore through the skull of the imperial soldier killing him instantly.jackson then see someone with green hair being blasted 10 feet into the sky.

Myuute Luna Sires POV
"What is going on we have not scored a single enemy kill I can safely say more than 200 thousand troops has been killed,at this rate the 1 million saderan troops will all be killed,wait what is that an iron dragon flying high in the heavens what is it dropping?" Immediately myuute widen in sight huge swaths of flame were created it's was like the flame dragons were breathing fire on the imperial troops but much hotter imperial troops were turned to crisp.The worst is yet to come as she saw projectiles that impact the imperial army did not explode instead it causes one skin to melt off their faces melted off like a wax of candle.
She tried to use her wind magic but it proved no match for the otherworlder godlike weapons.myuute then saw a projectile impacting a few feet away from her before impact she conjured a magical shield to shield herself but the blast tore through her magic like a hot knife through butter.She was flung in the air like ragdoll as she saw her life flash before very eyes and her world went dark.

Zorzal saw the destruction fallout america wreck upon his army but due to his arrogant attitude he ordered the rest of the imperial troops to rush the hill,this would make the area of the kill zone to overflow with enemy making fallout america job of destroying his army much easier.

Dalmus hill look like a scene of the underworld the one lush grass that dominated the hill is now shell craters,bullets casings,and dead bodies as artillery rain down from the sky like rain blasting earth and rock into sky with firebombing conducted by Fallout america air forces, chemical munitions fired at imperial forces, R91 assault rifle,laser Machine guns,miniguns, 50cal machineguns,guass rifles,motar shells fired,tanks fired their cannons, creating a song of death as twisted it is fallout america forces fired their weapons in sync reaping the souls of countless men,like a musical note in a song each of fallout america forces fired their weapons to orderly making the kill zone into a hurricane of death. Many imperial troops went crazy and begin to kill their own officers while shouting armageddon is here.As the last of the imperial is mowed down by American forces.fallout american troops advanced out of their trenches and begin to overrun imperial camps killing them without giving them a chance to surrender as sometimes fallout american just called a mustard gas round on imperial camps killing all the inhabitants.

"Is that zorzal?" Johnson said,the pilot "most likely"Johnson tell said"get me down there I want to play with him"with a evil grin on his face,if zorzal thinks he can terrify fallout america to submission he has no idea the monster of that is fallout america.A nation that annexed Canada just because Canada refused to allow america troops to cross Canada into Alaska ,zorzal is in a for rude awakening.

Zorzal could not believe it the army of 1 millon is reduced to a force of less than a 100 men. Zorzal then shouted"this is not the end we shall have our revenge otherworlder! You are lucky you won,let me tell I am crown prince zorzal son of molt,I am the chosen one by the gods I can never be defeated!" Zorzal then sound the retreat order. Just then a zorzal look up and saw flying beast the otherworlders controlled without warning this flying begin to blast his troops with a beam of light zorzal could not describe,but he feel it's hot,by the gods it's hot!
Zorzal then saw only less than 20 of his men survived with herm at his side on his knees as an artillery shell exploded near herm but luckily he was far enough so he received minor cut on his face.

Colonel Johnson then said"are you crown prince zorzal?" Zorzal then responded" I am, you savages,I am crown prince zorzal,the chosen ruler of ruler of sadera by the gods of sadera."

Johnson them smiled and said"let's play a game shall we."A wicked grin form on his face.

Fallout belongs to
Bethesda Softworks

Gate belongs to takumi yanai illustrated by Daisuke Izuka and kurojish

50cal impact energy reference,The%20.,weapon%20it%20is%20fired%20from.

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