Fake meetings

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"This is John from fox news,it appears that china,Iran and north Korea is asking for a meeting to deescalate tension in the world.With the Chinese president dong Dechou saying"We must strive for peace as china has never invaded another nation before nor is china trying to take over territories held by other nations.I would like the meeting to be held in Anchorage Alaska to show that china is truly committed to world peace as we are not fallout china as I as the president of china give you my word that china respect free speech." Immediately many skeptics disagreed saying that this meeting is just facade before a coming storm,to make matters worse the Chinese has chosen the meeting to be held in Anchorage Alaska, many citizens of Alaska is angry shouting"Go home commie,a good commie is a dead commie."This is no surprise as the their counterpart in fallout earth suffered horrendous casualties."-Fox news

Comments section
"I don't like this one bit"
"Why china of all places choose Anchorage Alaska to hold the meeting?They do know about their counterpart invading my state right.This is an insult to those who have died in fallout earth fighting to defend Anchorage."
"Anchorage 2.0"
"I recommend china to change the meeting place to California as we Alaskans hate the Chinese for what their counterpart did to our counterpart in fallout earth by invading them"
"I got a feeling that china is hiding something I don't want a real life reenactment of Anchorage here too."

Washington DC (white house gate earth)

"I don't like this one bit Mr president I got a feeling that china is planning something big."General Abraham said

"You are right general,we need all the military might we need right now,how is the efforts rebuilding efforts for the fallout US military?"President dirrel asked

"The rebuilding efforts is exceeding expectations as fallout america seems to be adapting to our technology very well and combining their tech with ours now the computers onboard the aircraft carriers of fallout america has now change to modern computers but we with processing power far greater than any computer on our earth.One of my scientist told me that at this rate we will be able to achieve quantum computers in a few years."General Abraham said

"General you told me that one of the primary reasons how fallout america processing power is held back by their bulky large computers,is it correct?"President dirrel asked

"Yes, now the barrier is removed the processing power of the fallout computers increased by several thousand percent."General Abraham said

"So when is my fallout counterparts coming here to give me a clearer report on the rebuilding efforts of the fallout US military?"President dirrel asked

"They should be here anytime soon"General Abraham said

At the the moment he said this, president Daniel of fallout america and general William Wales of fallout america walked into the oval office.

"Long time no see friend."President Daniel said

"Long time no see."President Dirrel said

Both of the american presidents exchange hand shakes.

"Now how is the rebuilding efforts I know it is rebuilding fast than expected I prefer to hear from the sources as my sources say it is rebuilding faster than expected."President dirrel said

"General would you please explain?"President Daniel asked

"Of course, Mr president, first the technology you gave us on electronics allows us to make a more efficient energy shield on our aircraft carriers,also the rebuilding efforts of the fallout US military has reached around 46% of the former pre war might I think by the decade we can regain back our pre war might if not even more progress is moving faster than expected as now there is no major war just maintaining order I can focus more resources into rebuilding the fallout US military back to her former might if not more."General William Wales said

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