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The second battle of italica is stream live as news organizations is present during the battle many people were shocked at the power of fallout america weapons especially their air force laser cannons, plasma bombings, earth has not seen this kind of weaponry,many people voice their thoughts in the YouTube comments section where this video is uploaded

Comments section
"Can smell it,the smell of freedom"
"Classic way of giving democracy to your enemy"
"Fallout america still kicking ass after a nuclear war"
"Can I get one of those laser rifles,is under the second amendment right"
"Fallout america is hacking they are using aimbot!"
"No surprise fallout america got more kills than the jsdf as they are using aimbot lol"
"Can we give these pip boys to american troops in Afghanistan make it happen president dirrel!"
"Post apocalyptic america: 2
Evil roman empire:0"

Many scientists were on tv debating on how laser and plasma weaponry will be built and their use in warfare.

President Daniel is relief that there is no losses just some scratches on the defenders.

"This is Trevor from CNN,many American general is now seeing how laser weapons and power armor can be used in the battlefield, General Abraham of the US army is here to explain how useful lasers and power armor." "Thank you for inviting me to the show as you can see many military analysis have found many uses fallout tech has for us.One of the reasons why china can't win against America despite overwhelming numbers is because of power armor,the main reason why power armor is effective is because a single soldier can now carry out heavy weaponry to the battlefield so more blood must be spilled to kill power armor troops,so the sino american war is see who can bleed each other out first,our interest is in this very reason for example if for every one us soldier fall a hundred enemy troops falls the kill ratio is increased in our favor as the country is losing more than it can gain,the another reason is in urban warfare as sometimes the roads in the city is unfavorable for tanks as the roads is too narrow but power armor allows soldiers to carry heavy weaponry not able to be carried on the battlefield by soldiers this increase the firepower of the squad.Imagine yourself in this scenario you need to clear a house the tanks can't reach it but you have power armor you can just walk in and spray your minigun at the enemy killing them easily."General Abraham ended "so it's like the price one has to pay to take out a power armor troops that caught your attention?" Trevor enquired, general Abraham said"That's the gist of it."
"This concludes our section about fallout america weaponry and how it may see uses on our own earth.This is Trevor from CNN signing off."

Comments section
"Power armor freedom"
"Great now more ideas for war"
"Do we even have the tech for it?"
"The sino american war must be a slaughter for Chinese forces imagine thousands of power armor troops charge your lines for every one power armor troop you kill 100 of your buddies has fallen."

"This is reporter Sofia from MSNBC,the European union is now investing heavily to nuclear technology,this is Sofia from MSNBC chancellor Angela why are you suddenly investing in nuclear technology?" Angela replied"look now we have a clear picture if we don't find a alternative energy source we will end up the same as our counterpart in fallout earth." "So this is like to prevent the resource war for ever happening?" Sofia asked, Angela replied"Yes,we would like to avoid a nuclear war."

"This is Trevor from CNN due to the history of the resource war of the European commonwealth war with the middle east,tensions have risen between Europe and middle east as the middle east seeing their counterpart fate immediately begin to build nuclear weapons many feared that a nuclear war will happen as many believe we are having a self fulfilling prophecy to nuclear destruction,the UN is trying to understand what to do as the reveal of our post apocalyptic counter part is troubling to say the least."-CNN

Many Americans is marching across America singing praises to the fallout america military revering them as heroes as they defended america from Chinese forces but a american senator said"The nuclear war is fallout america fault as fallout america did not share tech with the Chinese as americans we must be open with our values not hoard technology when the world needs it." But was immediately condemned online as many Americans viewed china as the enemy due to china nuking america during the great war.
One user said"Giving technology to commies hell no"

Another user said"commie spotted in us government,need to be in jail for treason."

"This is reporter Sofia from MSNBC,a author named Connor she is a war activist saying that there must be peace on earth has published a book called how fallout america is the villain of the story. Connor why is fallout america the enemy in this story considering they survive a nuclear war." Connor replied"look at the death ratio of deaths between america and china during the war America only suffered several hundred million deaths and china suffered billions of death and what gives fallout america the right to invade china, fallout america is racist and must be destroyed, I say a nuclear war is too little for them I demand nukes to be dropped on fallout america again as they are not hit as hard as china,there must be a equal death toll or else is oppression."Connor ended "This is reporter Sofia signing out."

Comments section
"Crazy author"
"What gives america right to invade china? Well china invaded america"
"Equal deaths in war what is this logic"
"I say throw this war activist to fallout america rot in radiation"

Fallout belongs to
Betheasda softworks

Gate belongs to takumi yanai illustrated by Daisuke Izuka and kurojish

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