Ignorance and foolishness

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The crown prince is humiliated all those that see it except for his trusted friends were killed,those not killed had their hands chopped off and the mouth sewed shut to prevent them from speaking of the humiliation he suffered the the hands of these primitive otherworlder.

Herm said"The otherworlder of both hills hated slavery right, we captured some of their people,I recommend bringing them out to show them we are not afraid of them,then we demand if they want their people freed,then they must hand some of their weapons to us to make the fight fairer."Zorzal then said"That's a wonderful idea." Zorzal then make his way to back the capital.

News of the devastating loss of dalmus could not be hidden as the deaths of 1 millon troops could not be hidden.Wives, sisters, daughters, mothers grief at the loss their loved ones.Zorzal then look at the grieving masses and said"woman are no more than baby machines to create the next generation warriors to fight saderan wars."

The throne room
Zorzal then said"Father I almost defeated the otherworlder of dalmus hill they are weary of the slaughter,I just need another 3 million troops to win." When molt heard this he threw a wine globlet at zorzal,the globlet make Zorzal face bleed and molt continued"1 million troops dead in less than a week, now you want more troops,what do think the Saderan army is unlimited amount of men?at this rate all of sadera will be out of men in a few years." Molt was furious that zorzal went behind his back to mobilize a army of 1 million strong and sent them to their deaths, victory or not these war is costing saderan forces they could not cope,for every one of the otherworlder killed thousands of saderans were killed,this war could not go on.Molt then realize he had lost the war a army then could killed 1 millon troops in less than a week should be a sign that one empire is outmatched.

Molt then said"send out riders to alnus and dalmus hill to start working out a peace deal no more deaths shall come from this war."

Many pro war senators were shocked and said"You could not be serious your highness, talking with the enemy is not sadera way,we will crush them through sheer numbers we easily mobilize a army of 5 million men to destroy these otherworlder savages."
Molt then shouted"Then they will end up the same as dalmus hill,do you want all of sadera to be covered in blood!The destruction it will be beyond comprehension millions dead so you can feel important,I normally don't care about the dead but this war have reached the millions in death,in this very moment a single battle of with the otherworlder killed more troops in history than all of the wars combined in sadera history,this is a sign that this war is doomed from the start!"

Zorzal then walked towards his father and said"You are a coward father,you immediately high tail yourself when you heard of the news of the death of a million men besides most of them are peasants,we shall not bother ourselves with them, it is in our right to use them as cannon fodder."Zorzal then march out of the throne room and begin plotting to terrify the otherworlder to submission.

Pina returned to sadera when she saw many women crying,Pina then asked"why are all of you crying, it's there a disaster."woman 1 said"yes,a week ago the crown prince mobilize an army of a million strong and march towards dalmus to destroy the otherworlder but in the end,it failed resulting in the deaths of a million men."Pina was shocked,how could her brother do this send a million men to their deaths so easily.Pina then confronted her brother zorzal about this"you send a million men to their deaths,do you know what have you done!?" Zorzal replied"I know what I have done I have scared the otherworlder of dalmus hill by letting them know that saderan has an endless supply of body to throw at them." Pina is horrified at this revelation her brother really thinks that numbers will win this war as she is reminded of the great war that saw the usage of nuclear weapons, millions killed in an instant, mushroom cloud of fire that pierce the very heavens themselves. She shuddered at the thought of these "nukes" used on them.Pina then get away from her brother as fast as she could,her brother is a monster she need to find a way to end this war before her brother destroy the empire.

Zorzal and his supporters discuss a plan and zorzal said"My father has dishonored us, we will assassinate him and make saderan think the otherworlders killed him,also the slaves we captured from the otherworlders will be present during the meeting to destroy any form of peace being form we will fight to the last man even if we have to completely destroy the empire in the process,death than dishonor."His supporters immediately begin to carry out his plans.

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Betheasda softworks

Gate belongs to takumi yanai illustrated by Daisuke Izuka and kurojish

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