welcome back,Mr president

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At an undisclosed oil rig
"The us military has somewhat survived and restore order to the nation,we must make contact with them to regain control of the us military." Vice president George said
President Daniel said"yes,we have been hiding for too long it's time we reveal ourselves to the american people."

Cheyenne mountain complex
"This is the president of the united states, president Daniel I am alive please prepare for my arrival my team and other officials will relief you of command thank you for keeping america together after the bombs fallen." A computer screen displayed
Us soldier 1 said"oh my god inform general William Wales now ,the president is alive we can somewhat rebuild america again!" General William Wales had just finished negotiation as he walk to the command centre immediately several soldiers show him the transcript he was shocked so the rumors are true the president is alive he was glad,his hope of the government surviving is something that kept him going.

The following day the president arrived at the Cheyenne mountain complex. General William Wales said"sir I need to confirm your identity as the president of the united states." Immediately president Daniel pulled out the biscuit,the biscuit is a password to america nuclear weapons that only the president has.willian immediately saluted the president and said"welcome back Mr president,what are your orders sir."
"Brief me on what has transpired."
Wales then brief president Daniel on what has happened,Daniel was shocked a gate opening up into a america and legions resembling romans came out and meeting a world like theirs but without a nuclear war.President Daniel immediately said"I want to meet my counterpart see if they would help us." William Wales said"what about the meeting I arranged with princess Pina?" "I saw your terms and I want to add in some terms like able to aquire some mining rights in sadera as our earth is out of resources and the replicator is barely keeping our head above water." Daniel said

General William Wales said"of course I will try to aquire some mining rights"
President Daniel said"I want you to introduce me to the american people that I have survived and returned to lead them also arrange a meeting with president dirrel as I want to ask him for aid considering he is an American president as well,here the plan you will negotiate a peace treaty with the sadera and I want negotiate a deal to get some foreign help in alnus earth america."

At the Boston gate
Many of the visitors of fallout america want to go back to the special region as they feel staying here is no life at all as everywhere is posion. Pina then went back first to arrange a meeting with her father about the treaty.
Immediately the remaining loud speakers activated and said"This is your president Daniel,I have returned to lead the nation from the brink when the bombs fell my oil rig on the coast of California lost connection from the mainland we have been trying to restore communication and we did, together my fellow Americans we shall rebuild america from america from the ashes of nuclear war.America shall be rebuilt even better before the bombs fell, a nation of hope in a world full of despair." Followed by hail to chief,many fallout americans are shocked that their president is still alive as many believe that their president was assassinated by Chinese soldiers in stealth suits.
"This is Trevor from CNN we just heard that fallout america president is still alive, this is a bombshell."

Comments section
"The president is alive"
"Can't wait for the two president to meet up with each other"
"Welcome back Mr president"

At the Boston gate
President Daniel and general William with gate earth green beret,3rd recon team, Rory,lelei, press team enter gate and went back to the special region only for the scientist to stay back to conduct research in the environment of nuclear war as fallout earth has a lot information on how earth would fare in a nuclear war.

The ambassador of Japan together with William Wales make their way to sadera when they set foot at sadera they saw many saderan grieving for their loved ones lost in this war as the death toll has reached millions.Saderans were scared as they saw the otherworlder especially the ones at dalmus hill as most the deaths came from them.Pina then went out to greet the ambassador of Japan and fallout America while saying"I sorry,the people could not give you a warm welcome as they could not comprehend the large amount of death."

They soon entered the throne room with molt sitting there,but something caught their eye. Two slaves,one of them is japanese and the other is american. Immediately Jackson and itami shouted"what is the meaning of this." Zorzal said"There shall never be peace,here what I want,listen closely you savages I want your weapons to make the saderan strong empire as not nation shall have more advance weapons than sadera,if not I will slit their throats right infront of you." Without hesitation Itami and Jackson aim their rifles and fired bullets tore apart guards within seconds zorzal fell down with his hands covering his head immediately a guard beside molt and raised his sword and chop molt head off. Zorzal said"we have their leaders,we shall trap them here and demand their respective nation pay proper tribute to us for starters I want your women as my sex slaves." Merry a fallout american slave that was taken by sadera during the opening stages of the war,kicked zorzal in the balls making him scream in pain. She sees the royal guard is dead or overthrowing emperor molt.

3rd recon team evacuated princess Pina, her allies and the pro peace senators while Jackson team evacuated general William Wales and the japanese ambassador as they shoot their way out of sadera. As they hear zorzal shouting behind them saying he want their heads,many saderan soldiers tried to kill them but failed as they were gunned down with ruthless efficiency. Fallout america jets arms with lasers flew to the capital without minutes as before talks started several fallout america jets is in the air just in case something like this happens their laser. When the laser jets entered sadera it roared louder then a flame dragon with the pilot saying"I got some gifts for you." Immediately the F-108 rapier unleashed it payload as the missiles fly over at mach 6 impacting saderan troops formation killing hundreds in one fell swoop but the carnage did not enter as the pilot is ordered to cause as much chaos as possible to the enemy. The F-108 rapier  HER90 heavy air to air laser cannons fired their cannons turning the saderan legions to ash.Due to the sheer might of the laser cannons much of sadera is in ruins. In the end Zorzal fail to secure any prisoner as all otherworlder escaped.Prince diablo escape the capital after the seeing the might of the otherworlder and went to alnus hill to surrender.

Tyuule saw this and smiled the negotiation has failed the otherworlder will destroy the empire she just need keep zorzal in war mode so the war can continue, She can't wait to see zorzal on the ground begging for mercy as the otherworlder turn sadera to ash. Sadera will be crushed on both sides as Japan and fallout American join forces to smash this rotten empire down for good.

Fallout belongs to
Betheasda softworks

Gate belongs to takumi yanai illustrated by Daisuke Izuka and kurojish

Info the the F-108 rapier

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