Reviews and tensions

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"This is reporter Trevor from CNN,the sales of the Mr handy robots from fallout earth has been skyrocketing many reviewers praise it as the best invention in history now on the show with me is PewDiePie a famous YouTuber now he will be giving a review of the Mr handy."
"Well thank you, Trevor the Mr handy is extremely useful as it manage to do all household chores at home making me and my love ones lives easier now we don't have to worry at all and it does not overheat nor malfunction must be some good old fallout america tech at work."PewDiePie ended.

Famous YouTuber Markiplier has made a review about Mr handy he commented as being the best invention in mankind as it's is able last extremely as compared to other machine due to it being powered by the atom thus it can last extremely long even centuries.

The feedback of the Mr handy is extremely well received with many experts saying it is one of the best invention in history but it also face opposition as this may take away jobs as some jobs is based on service which Mr handy will undoubtedly be taken away so control is needed to ensure people is not place out of jobs.

The shocking nuclear technology fallout america has,sent the world into a frenzy with many nations is now investing in nuclear technology to prevent collapse when the oil dry up in the world to prevent the resource war from happening all over again.Many experts is now advocating for nuclear technology as one of the reasons that fallout america is some of the last few nations remaining by 2077 is due to advancement in nuclear tech while other nations did not invest as much in nuclear tech as america did.

"This is reporter Sofia from MSNBC people in Iran has been burning fallout america flag saying there will crush fallout america along with gate america this had led to general Abraham to propose a alliance with fallout america to deal with Iran also the nuclear deal with Iran has been scraped after seeing what happened to their counterpart in fallout earth the supreme leader of Iran has resumed it's production of nuclear weapons saying these weapons is now more needed than ever to prevent westerners from attacking them.Tensions in the middle east is now higher than ever."

Comments section
"World war 3"
" I don't want to suffer the same fate as fallout earth"
"If any indication america is the last nation to hold out so yea"
"Nukes is first used in the middle east during the resource war."

"This is John from fox news the revelation of fallout earth has many world leaders pointing fingers at each other saying the other is responsible for the nuclear war, citizens of many nations is now tense with each other especially americans as so their counterpart is the only surviving nation left in fallout earth this just in a american citizen and a citizen from china has been involved in fight in new York.The mayor has said that we must not let fear take over our hearts as our world is not the same as fallout earth."

Comments section
"America is number 1!!!"
"Hope no nuclear war I have not found a girlfriend yet"

"This is Trevor from CNN,many japanese is praising fallout america from liberating them from the Chinese during the resource war with many japanese is now supporting the jsdf to increase it's spending as many believe that china is hostile towards and does not want to share their counterpart fate.But some japanese is unhappy about especially those in Okinawa with many believe now that their island will now be a target of chinese nukes."

Comments section
"Great more US bases"
"Hope china don't start a war as now we know america will kick china ass in war."
"Democracy is truth"
"Peace not war"

North Korea state media has stated it's intention to nuke fallout america saying this is a threat to the world, supreme leader kin jong un has called fallout america a cancer to it's existence and must be wiped out and military drills is conducted near the dmz due to this south Korea is put on high alert many fearing that world war 3 will start.

"This reporter Sofia from MSNBC,many citizens in Britain is now supporting the increase stockpile of nuclear weapons to prevent getting nuked as many are worried about their counterpart,all nations all over the earth is now spending more in military than ever."

Comments section
"No nukes!"
"Have evidence of nukes destroying the world but still build more nukes logic 100"

Many anti nuclear organizations is protesting the investment in nuclear technology and many environment activists saying the resources war could be avoided by not investing in nuclear but in clean energy such as wind,solar and sea.

"This is Trevor from CNN, tensions have rise throughout the globe despite best efforts in diplomacy is being tried out but nations is still pointing fingers at each other saying each other is the cause of nuclear war the world is descending into isolation many feared this will end globalisation and bring back nationalisms.The world is going to a very dark place sowing the seeds of conflict."

Fallout belongs to
Betheasda softworks

Gate belongs to takumi yanai illustrated by Daisuke Izuka and

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