World of politics and tensions

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"This is Trevor from CNN,what do mean 68 out of 77 warheads were prevented from striking Vegas?"

The image of Mr house broadcasted onto a computer appeared and said"I spent almost all my wealth building an anti icbm system to protect my home vegas from being decimated by Chinese nukes,if the great war has occurred a day later I would have received my platinum chip thus preventing all warheads from striking the area."

Silence filled the room this technology will change the rules on how wars has fought the reason why no nation dare to attack another nation is due the policy of MAD. A policy principle of deterrence founded on the notion that a nuclear attack by one superpower would be met with an overwhelming nuclear counterattack such that both the attacker and the defender would be annihilated. But with all these new technology this will be changed all Mr house technology will make these concept alien.America now has the tech to prevent themselves from getting destroyed in a nuclear war.

"This is reporter Sofia from MSNBC so are you saying that you effectively made a anti icbm system with a 100% sucess rate?"

"Yes,before the war I ran some calculation that a nuclear war will be come to fruition around the 2070s to 2080s,due to this I invest lots of my wealth to developing the best anti icbm system money could buy.When the great war occured I did not receive my platinum chip which is supposed to upgrade my missile defense system and my army of robots such as securitron.Due to me working on an inferior anti icbm system I lost consciousness but remants of the us military sent to Las Vegas to search for survivors and to restore order rebooted me and helped me find my platinum chip to upgrade my self as well as my robots due to this I want to aid in the rebuilding of America."

"This is John from fox news may I ask what other wonder weapons you have other than a super effective anti icbm system?"

"Figure you will say that for starters due to the us military delivering the platinum chip I my securitron is now upgraded making them much more effective."

"This is Trevor from CNN may I ask what is your goal for this other than rebuilding america?"

"Well,other than rebuilding america I would want to help humanity to colonize the stars I predicted that in 100 years fallout america will conquer the stars as they are short on resources and help but due to the gate opening to a world rich in resources and a world where a nuclear war did not happen I can safely guarantee that humanity will be able to conquer the stars in less than 20 years."

Reporters jaws dropped,a space faring humanity this is something not even gate earth has ever achieved as the technology to make them is still in it's infancy but with fallout earth tech humanity can reach for the stars much sooner than believed.

"This is reporter Alexander from cbs news,I would like to ask how can accomplish this considering your earth suffered from a nuclear war."

"Well,ma'am I am planning to set up some of my business in gate earth America to restart my business also to introduce gate earth to more fallout technology and last but not least to jumpstart fallout america economy as you know business is not booming after a nuclear war."

President dirrel then step forward and said"This concludes our press conference we still need to discuss other treaty with fallout america.We will also release footage Mr house shooting down warheads."

The press groaned in response as they wanted to ask more questions but they still left the white house conference as they has a significant amount of stories to write for days.

Comments section
"Star trek real life"
"A 100% success rate of intercepting icbm we need one considering china behavior."
"To go where no one has gone before"
"This is like a sci Fi movie come to life"

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