A deal with the devil

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"The otherworlders have already taken over the city of tirith,and they are just a few kilometers away from the city of hiron,in which they will have access to the blue sea and which means that the port of proptor is ripe for the taking!"Zorzal shouted

"His majesty is right we need something that can turn the tide of war maybe some legendary beasts such as the flame dragons."General atlas said

"Are you mad!Those legendary beasts will be the death of us,they will most likely kill us before they go and kill the otherworlders,we need to-"Before senator moltose can finish what he is saying loud screams can be heard outside the throne room.

"Protect his imperial majesty now!"General atlas shouted

The royal guards took up arms and put themselves Infront of zorzal and all of a sudden the doors to the throne room of sadera is opened with a force no mortal can produce.What everyone saw shock them in fear.

"Giselle,what are you doing here in sadera?"moltose asked

"As you can see,I am hear to help you mortals win the war against the otherworlders, considering your war against the otherworlders so far has, how should I say not going according to plan."Giselle said

"No,the war against the otherworlders has been going on very well infact we are invading their worlds now,no force in the universe can stop sadera."Zorzal lied appearing to sound confident and saved face Infront of his generals and senators.

"Really,if you claim that you infact are invading the otherworlders home world then why can I see,that there is otherworlders troops in the city of tirith,as you know the city of tirith is extremely close to the shore of the blue sea,one just need to take the city of hiron,then one would have a clear shot to take the port of proptor,and once the port of proptor is secured by the otherworlders,the otherworlders will have a straight line to the capital."Giselle said

"What is your purpose here Giselle?you must be up to no good."General atlas said

"My,my I am so sad you will say such a thing about me, well my mistress hardy is invested in the outcome of this war and so ordered me to fight against the jsdf and fallout America as they are seen as a threat to the gods."Giselle said

The senators are shocked by this revelation hardy will aid them in the war against the otherworlders.

"I accept your help Giselle."Zorzal said

"Hey,young emperor zorzal of sadera,I have not finished my talking yet,in return for my help sadera shall abandon all other gods and only worship hardy as their only one true goddess and follow her every whims which I will tell of course"Giselle said

The imperial senate is shocked as these acts will no doubt bring the wrath of the other gods on sadera.

"This is blasphemy! I will not worship hardy as my one true goddess I worship emroy!"A pro war senator shouted

Hearing this hardy run up to the pro war senator who said that and raised her scythe and swing it like a blot of thunder the head of the pro war senator just rolled down the senate floor like a bowling ball.

"Guards,take that apostle down now."senator moltose said

"No,stand down all of you, Giselle what are offering other than your abilities to combat against the otherworlders?"Zorzal said

"Good question, well I am offering you control of the flame dragons including the mother and father of the flame dragons,the flame dragons want revenge against the otherworlders as one of them injured it's eye but I have healed it."Giselle said

"They just finished nearly decimating an entire tribe of dark elves to sate their anger after their retreat from the otherworlders army."Giselle said

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