Jealously and competition

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The Chinese government is pissed and jealous as they have been humiliated on the world stage.Many companies have left the nation due to political pressure from rest of the world.

America,china main rival in the world is gaining sci Fi technology which only they have access to save for Japan which seem to be getting that tech as well, nations it has border dispute with in the south china sea is more bold now to challenge china as they see china as a paper dragon as they saw fallout earth history that china can be defeated in war.

China ambassador Zhou Xin lin tweeted"America is evil as they don't share technology they have gained from fallout america ,they have technology that can change and help people in china especially those stimpacks,but they did not share it with us, america hoard those advanced technology for itself and only want to share it with their allies and not with their rivals this is fascism at it's finest!"
However many Twitter user disagreed with china as evident in the comments section below

Comments section
"Screw you china,I am from Vietnam, I know what happened to my counterpart you invaded and use biological weapons on my nation,
I am glad america did not share those sci Fi tech as no doubt you will use for nefarious reasons.Fallout america if you can hear me don't share your tech with china."
"No giving advanced tech to commies."
"Don't give china sci Fi tech as I am from Japan and you know what happened to Japan in fallout earth, don't you Japan was invaded and annexed by china and only during the sino american war, Japan was liberated from communist rule by american forces."
"I agree with america decision to not share fallout america technology with china,who knows what evil china will be up to when they get a hold of advanced technology,it won't be good."

"This is Clark from IGN,it seemed the fallout game called 'Fallout left behind' is building a mode of virtual reality based of operation Anchorage this is big news as no video game has ever achieved this,this is history in the making, if dice managed to incoperate the simulation of operation Anchorage into the game it will be the first gaming company in history to build a fully function true VR game shooter."-IGN

Comments section
"No way a VR virtual game where you fight your war through a nuclear scorched china and try to get back to america when the bombs fell sign me up!"
"A game like operation Anchorage sign me up I want one!"
"Can you imagine if all games made now is like operation Anchorage,it will truly be next gen."

"This is Clark from IGN,it also seemed that the fallout game called 'Fallout freedom' made by Activision is also  incoperating the VR reality based on operation Anchorage into the game,it seemed that there is some sort of rivalry between the two gaming companies as they try to gain the title of the world first fully truly VR game,the competition is tense on both sides."

Comments section
"Wait 'Fallout freedom' is based on the premise of a american soldier fighting his way through china during the sino american war right and liberating annexed countries right?if that's the case then I hyped as I can't control myself anymore."
"Patriotism online."
"Will I get to pilot a power armor while shooting a laser gatling gun to kill commie in the game? If so,then shut up and take my money."

National geographic soon released a documentary called "Before the fallout" it explains how the world of fallout reach its end which is the great war of 2077,it is the single most watch documentary in history with billions of views in the first weeks as there is so many viewers that the server hosting the documentary crashed.
Many reviewers give it a good review and rate it 5/5 stars.

Reviews feedback
"This is a good documentary about our nuclear counterparts it showed the self destructiveness of nationalism gone out of control, xenophobia against nations and the unwillingness of the world to come together to solve the crisis which soon push the world into the nuclear button."
"This documentary showed how evil soon crept into every single nation on fallout earth and how that evil just keeps on growing out of control until the bombs fell which soon wipe the slate clean."
"This documentary showed that even the most vibrant democracies which value liberty such as america can commit unspeakable horrors in it's name to keep itself free,it really shows the irony that in the name of keeping freedom and liberty war crimes are committed.But it is really war crimes when your nation is facing total collapse and destruction that's the morality which the documentary I hope will delve further into the future, if any documentary about fallout earth is made I hope for them to focus on the point."

Special region (Sadera)
Following the massive loss of a hundred thousand men and the failure to prevent the two otherworlders forces for linking up, General atlas demanded some otherworldly slaves captured from dalmus hill and alnus hill to be brought to the imperial senate where their memories are probe by the remaining mages that survived the firebombing of rondel.

"Bring those otherworldly slaves here now!"General atlas shouted

Two imperial soldier followed the generals orders without hesitation and brought the slaves to the imperial senate.

The otherworldly slaves is booed at by the pro war senators of sadera and a mage standing there with a staff.

Zorzal can be seen sitting on the throne.

"Very well mage libra please probe the memories of those otherworldly slaves from alnus hill and dalmus hill and see what their world is like so that after we kick the otherworlders out of our world we would invade both of their worlds so sadera will have multiple worlds at it's control."Zorzal said

Mage libra soon probe the memories of the otherworlders of alnus hill and dalmus hill what they saw soon filled their hearts with hatred and envy.

Zorzal saw the buildings of Japan and pre war America.Giant buildings that stretches seemed to stretch into the very heavens,metal construction that flew across the heavens with more grace, might and majesty then anything in falmart.The imperial air force pales in comparison to the might that fallout america and Japan has.It was as if sadera is merely an ant to fallout america and Japan in terms of military might and glory.

Zorzal then picked up a sword and rush towards the otherworlders slaves where he hewn their heads off.The bodies of the otherworlders collapse onto the ground with a 'thud' sound.

"No one,I repeat no one shall have more power than sadera,these otherworlders savages committed the worst crime imaginable as they have things that even sadera does not even have,what gives the right of those nations to be more powerful than sadera."Zorzal said

"You are right your majesty,no nations shall be more powerful than sadera as that is the law of the world,no nation shall be more powerful than sadera" senator moltose said.

All of the pro war senators agreed with zorzal as what they saw made them mad and jealous as they saw a world with things beyond their wildest dreams,it seems that the gates opened to paradise guarded by a extremely powerful military and the imperial government wants in on them never even minding that one of those worlds is a nuclear wasteland.

"You see,those otherworldly savages hides paradise away from us when we try to claim it as our own they fought back and did not allows us the ruling powers of sadera to claim it as our own,look at the buildings they have it seemed to stretch into the very heavens themselves and the weapons they have it looks like they have divine power granted to them."General atlas said

"You are right general atlas,the gates opened to paradise look at the wealth they have why won't they share it with us?they are selfish barbarians that hoard power only to themselves,I recommend we declare a war of genocide against the fallout america and Japan as they denied us to enslave their world,what gives these two nation the right to prevent slavery and annexations of their respective nations we are the ones that brought civilization to falmart and it will be our duty to bring civilization to the other worlds, slavery is just a tool a further civilization."senator moltose said

"You are right senator moltose,we shall declare a war of genocide against Japan and fallout America,tell those savages that if they want to win the war they have to kill every single one of us."Zorzal declared

The imperial messagers soon wrote down zorzal words, zorzal soon sign those letters,the imperial messagers soon rode out of sadera to give the declaration of a war of genocide towards fallout america and Japan.

Fallout belongs to
Betheasda softworks

Gate belongs to takumi yanai illustrated by Daisuke Izuka and kurojish

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