Much needed firepower

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Back at fallout earth
After a long day at gate earth, president Daniel has went back to fallout earth to manage his nation.
General William Wales rush to president Daniel and said"Mr president there is a development you must see this,the Saderans has entrenched themselves in a fort call fort Orion, according to our spies the fort sits on a massive amount of resources we need,I suggest we take it as we can kill two birds with one stone by taking the fort we can help to relief some of resources shortages back home and destroy the remaining saderan legions and morale here as the report shows that this fort has never been taken by the enemy.Take the fort we humiliate Saderan making them think less clearly thus reducing casualties on our sides while making it a bloodbath for the saderans."

President Daniel though to himself and said"Well,but we will need huge amounts of firepower to break the fort,we have one called liberty prime but due to us not able to find a effective power source the liberty prime project is cancelled."

General William Wales said"Yes,but you have not heard the whole story, scientist has managed to find a effective power source for liberty prime just recently,the ones that help our scientist to find it is Mr house."

"Mr house,the founder of rob co industries?"president Daniel asked

Wales replied"Yes,the famous businessman very rich,he helped saved Vegas from being nuked to nothing,the Chinese launch 77 warheads towards Vegas but Mr house anti icbm system activated and he managed to disable 68 out of the 77 nukes launch at Vegas and the surrounding areas.According to him if he had the platinum chip he would be able to disable all nuclear warhead from striking the area."

President Daniel said"So his anti icbm gamble paid off huh,he almost bankrupted himself when investing all his hard earn money into anti icbm systems."

"That's not all Mr president the story goes even crazier,due to the platinum chip not being delivered Mr house is forced to work with an inferior system of his anti icbm system which cause him to enter a coma, several us troops found Vegas and manage to reboot the system and delivered the platinum chip to him so he has decided to work with us to rebuild america,one of his most recent accomplishment is finding the solution for liberty prime power source and house is interested in the resources in the special region and how can magic exist."Wales said

President Daniel asked"So will liberty prime be active in battle?"

Wales replied"Sorry Mr president but we need a few days to finish programming liberty prime voice module.The laser system and the mark 28 warhead is already in the system ready to roll."

President Daniel said"Good,we need to get this war and over with I suggest we plan the attack on fort Orion carefully."

Wales said"No problem,I have sent spies and reconnaissance aircraft into the surrounding areas to look for any things that may prove difficult for us troops and already mark it for destruction, I will also try to sow confusion among the ranks of the enemy as the non-humans of the Saderan army is startled easily by loud noise I will try to alarm them,make them reveal their position and then we will level them with airstrikes after that we sent in liberty prime with us troops to clean the place up"

Special region
Legate atticus had been selected by zorzal to defend fort Orion from the otherworlders morale is low for his troops after the disastrous battle of tears where 1 million saderan troops died while trying to charge the otherworlders he has decided to go with a different strategy the first strategy is to steal the otherworlders weapons and try to reverse engineer it but the weapons they stole from the otherworlders is taken to rondel and rondel is decimated by the iron dragons of the otherworlders the entire city of rondel is simply reduced to nothing all the weapons brought there is destroyed.The second strategy is to sit in the fort to bait the otherworlders to a close on fight where sadera will have the upper hand.
Legate atticus has began to order his men to set up ballista around the fort and the massive catapult which can only be operated by trolls and orcs to be covered in leaves to prevent it from being spotted but due to fallout america experience in war with the Chinese they know how to find hidden weapons cache,thus making the strategy pointless.

Legate atticus said"My fellow saderan men it's true we have not been able to defeat the otherworlder savages we have lost an uncountable amount of men to the otherworlders. The saderan empire is undefeatable and will drive the otherworlders from this land and we will invade their world to avenge the humiliation we suffered!"

Thoughts of the otherworlders being crushed increase the morale of the army as many lost their fathers and brothers to the otherworlders and Legate atticus is trying to boost the morale of his men by promising vengeance.Huge roar erupted among the imperial ranks station at fort Orion.

Legate atticus said"When the otherworlders come, make them pay in blood make sure every single one of you kill at least 20 otherworlders before going to emroy embrace you hear me!"

"We will! death to the otherworlders"Imperial troops screamed in unison.

Dalmus hill(bunker hill)
The base at dalmus hill is named bunker hill, general William Wales has called a meeting request Jackson and Johnson to come to the briefing room.

Wales said"A few days from now we will mount an offensive to take the imperial fort named fort Orion it appears the enemy has entrenched themselves,they seemed to be learning to counter our techniogical advantage by trying to force us to fight them hand to hand,I suggest we try to sow confusion among the non humans there so they can create chaos making them less coordinated,thus making them less dangerous."

Jackson said"Sir,if I may I suggest we first conduct an air strike using bunker buster bombs to destroy the tunnels as this is a fort which most likely there is a underground storage of supplies and men by collapsing it we can destroy huge amount of men and when the saderans decide to take back the fort they will be forced to charge the wall of the fort making it a bloodbath for their men."

Johnson chimed in and said"I agree with Jackson idea but I would like to to modify it a bit, let's not use bunker busting weapons by using it we destroy the fort thus making it unusable I suggest we use chemical munitions to deal with the tunnel problem as the enclosed space in the tunnel will make the gas more effective killing anyone still breathing I will still go with Jackson plan of using a airstrike first to soften up the area first."

Wales replied"That's a good plan I suggest you go to your troops and tell them about the upcoming battle they will be facing to get then prepared."

Jackson left the office and went to his men and said"Boys, listen up we will be attacking a fort named Orion in a few days I suggest all of you get some rest and check your weapons ensure they don't malfunction in times of battle "

Johnson walked to his men of power armor and said"In a few days we will be attacking a saderan fort named fort Orion,I suggest check your power armor to ensure no failures to occur during battle as we will show these imperial suckers the cruelty of fallout America as the crown prince of sadera has challenge fallout america to a game of cruelty and saderan is a young nation so we will show them how real nations fight wars."

Johnson men cheered as they began to fantasize the way they will mow down imperial forces by the thousands and teach the imperials the true meaning of horror and cruelty as in their minds no one's threatened america and gets away with it.

This war between fallout america and the saderan empire will be a game who can be more ruthless than the other.

Fallout belongs to
Betheasda softworks

Gate belongs to takumi yanai illustrated by Daisuke Izuka and kurojish

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