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"So zorzal won't surrender."President Daniel and prime minister motoi said in unison,3rd recon team and Jackson squad nodded their heads, Daniel place his hand in his hair and said"we just killed a million of their men in less than a week and they still want to fight are they crazy or something." Jackson replied"No, it's something worse than that,before the gates were opened to our world the empire fought in a war called the artic war where they loss over 60000 men but they managed to win due to sheer numbers,it seemed they are employing the same tactic against us but don't know that modern weapons makes charging against us suicidal."
Motoi replied"good,so just need to dig in let them charge then we mow them down."itami said"This is crazy don't they care about their own men,they are going to have a gender imbalance problem after the war ends."
Daniel said"general William Wales what is your input in this?" William said"I think the best course of action is just bomb them to submission as them being primitive may view our air force as the army of the gods I have reports from my men that my rifles are called thunderbolts by some of the villagers near dalmus hill."
Daniel asked"thunderbolts?"
William said"due to huge sound a rifle makes villagers mistake it for thunder so they thought we are using thunder bolts for our weapons."
"I suggest we use this to our advantage as they believe in the superstition so we need make it hard and quick." Prime minister motoi said"what are your thoughts general
Kōichirō Hazama." Kōichirō Hazama replied"I like the sound the William plans for saderan empire we need to smash them back to the stone age."
President dirrel said"I would like to sent a squad of green beret to the special region to fight alongside fallout america." Prime minister motoi agreed to the plan.President Daniel said" so do we have an alliance prime minister motoi?" Motoi responded with"yes,we got two america as our ally now."

Press conference
"I bring grave news to the people of the world not just to Japan,the saderan empire has refused to surrender and sent a million men to dalmus hill where fallout america killed them all, before the attack they send this to fallout america." Motoi said
"To the united states of America
You were warned of interference when we sought conquest you resisted,you may have killed hundreds of thousands of men but saderan has an unlimited supply of men willing to die for the empire,now my demand is your nation immediate surrender all advanced technology you made to be given to sadera and 50000 woman as slaves as an act of Mercy consider this carefully refuse or you will be destroyed!"
Sign by zorzal own hand
Motoi then continued"They send this request to fallout america before fallout america destroy their army of a million men." Many people are shocked a million men march up to fallout america to only be mow down.
Dirrel then came up the stage and said"due to this fallout america shall not fight this battle on their own I have planned to sent a squad of green beret to the special region to fight alongside fallout america."

Comments section
"Fallout america kicking ass even after nuclear war"
"What could go wrong marching up a fortified position armed with lasers?"
"Make a movie about this."
"Post apocalyptic america,Japan and america vs magical evil fantasy army sounds like a movie."

"This is reporter Sofia from MSNBC,a protest against nuclear weapons is being carried out in Washington DC,the protestors want one result the complete abolishment of nuclear weapons with the sponsor of the program saying"we have seen what a nuclear war does to earth,the horror it cause nukes must be eliminated."

"This is Trevor from CNN, doomsday prepping has increased by 400% since the reveal of fallout america as they believe that our earth is heading the same way as fallout earth, conspiracy theories say that fallout earth is the future of our earth despite clear divergence in our timeline after world war 2 where the transistor was never invented."

Back at sadera
Zorzal has completely taken over sadera,killed his father now he is the undisputed ruler of the nation.
Zorzal said"we will win this war,the otherworlders are weary of the slaughter the gods opened 2 gates to sadera it is within sadera right to conquer and enslave the otherworlders,the gifts at both end of the world is worth every blood spent for sadera for sadera!"
"Long live zorzal,long live emperor zorzal!" The imperial army yelled
The imperial mobilize and head towards italica as countless myui had sided with the otherworlder thus myui must die doesn't matter if she is a child,she betrayed sadera only death can atone for her crimes of betrayal.

"General Kōichirō Hazama you must see this!" Hazama saw the picture and paled it is an army of immense proportion at least 55000 men is seen marching towards italica to burn it down and he said"tell general William Wales to get a squadron of troops to italica I will sent the 3rd recon team to italica to defend it."

"Got it, okay, yes sir I got it." Jackson acknowledged. Jackson turned to his men and said"we are going to italica to defend it from the legions except this time we will have heavy weaponry from the start." Colonel Johnson then said"wait, high command want to give your squad a pip boy, pretty useful able to dematerialize items so you won't have to carry so much equipment as the equipment is stored in the pip boy."
Jackson and his men then equip the pip boy on their wrist and begin to dematerialize weapons and other Essential items into the pip boy after that they set off for italica.

When they reached italica the 3rd recon is already there with a squad of t-51b suits of power armor maning the walls of italica. Itami said"we have been expecting you let's set up defenses and let the enemy wear themselves out by charging into a hail of gun fire.also press team are here CNN and MSNBC will be recording the battle live."
"Alright,set up the laser machine guns now, James then dematerialize a laser machine gun from his pip boy causing the news anchor to flim it as they are shocked."This is Trevor from CNN may I ask you what you just did.?" James replied"I just materialize a laser machine guns by using a pip boy I don't know how it works you gotta ask the creators of the tech for it."

Comments section
"Advanced technology"
"What secret technology is fallout america hiding?"
"This breaks the law of physics!"
"I want one"

"This is reporter Sofia from MSNBC what else can your pip boy do other than dematerialize items?"
James replied"it can also increase one accuracy by using vets it gives you a percentage how likely you are to hit your target so you can adjust accordingly."

Comments section
"The Chinese army during the sino american war must be calling aimbot."
"Guys,I think I know why the Chinese launch the nukes, fallout america is basically using hacks so china rage quit in the form of nukes."

"Alright all defenses has been set up,the saderans will be here by night fall drone shows no dragons as fallout america crushed destroyed the entire imperial air force when the imperial army march to death on dalmus hill" Jackson said.Many soldiers begins to prepare themselves by stocking their position with extra ammo hoping it will get them through the coming storm.

Nightfall at the outskirts of italica
General herm said"we shall overrun the otherworlder through sheer number alone we will show them we are willing to make every inch of ground they take pay in blood this was shall be who can bleed each other first now for sadera bring me the heads of the otherworlders and the traitor countless myui!"

55000 men charge towards italica to kill everything in their way.

Fallout belongs to
Betheasda softworks

Gate belongs to takumi yanai illustrated by Daisuke Izuka and kurojish

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