Chapter 205: A Draconic Reminiscence

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Demonia Dread was in a dismal mood as she hugged her husband while standing in the middle of a bloody torture chamber with the remnants of the demon slowly piecing himself back together.

"We'll figure this out Demonia..."

"We have to Vlad. Four years...what the Hell was I thinking?"

Vlad rubbed her back and kissed her temple.

"We will figure this out. You've grown up with him, had eons to learn everything that makes his brain tick like a genocidal maniac and what trigger points to push to get him pissed off. We know his motives and I've had centuries of plotting and angelic metal crafting of my own at my disposal. The traps are to be set and can easily be tweaked to a slightest change in the plans."

"And what of Aciano? Vlad...what will we do? The boy is family! Our son is his best friend. Practically a brother even! What will we do if he decides to go to his—previous family?"

"Tough choices will be made, but...I think the appropriate question to ask is—What are we willing to lose in the name of vengeance Demonia? How much do we have to sacrifice to get to our end goals? Will it be worth it?"

Demonia was deathly silent before she spoke in a haunted whisper. "You sound like you're questioning our goals to kill the Magne's?"

"Demonia I never said—!"

Demonia backed out of his hold. "Don't you wish to see them impaled Vlad? They deserve it for what they've done!"

The 'what they've done to me' went unspoken as the scars upon her face were laid bare for him to see.

Vlad spoke with a calming voice. "I...I never said anything about not killing them. But we have to go about this tactfully. They have the archangel's on their side—at least it appears that way...We can't forget about our son Demonia...We have time to plan and to think of ways to get him out of the inevitable fallout of the Magne's deaths. We can't tell him what the likely outcome of our decisions will lead..."


"I never thought I'd hate saying this, but we're trapped in a endless cycle of death Demonia. I'm willing to plead with the 🤬 archangel's to die twice to atone for my mistake of dragging our innocent child into this 🤬 mess. If it means that he can live...I doubt they will let him rule in Hell...but if he lives then that's fine with me Demonia as long as he lives..."

"Vlad...that's a hopeless fantasy. The archangel's are vile and cruel..." she looked away as the reality of the past centuries finally cemented itself into her head. "They'll give him no such chance for mercy."

"I'm not so certain. But I won't argue so let's agree to disagree my love..."


Vlad pulled her back into a hug. "We will find a way to save him—to save all of our family Demonia. I promise you. We will find a way..."

"It wasn't so bad when it was just everything is so 🤬 up! I-I wonder what my parents would've thought of him? My father would be thrilled to have a sparring partner and my mother would've spoiled him worse than you Vlad."

"He was a cute child you can't blame me for that..." Vlad's eyes darkened in worry. "He's all grown up but still so young in heart."

"He's like them Vlad. He's so much like them it's almost frightening. He would've made them so proud."

"I see it as blessing he's not a stubborn pain in the ass, considering his early childhood of being cooped up to the palace until he controlled his powers without us having to fret over him..."

(Hazbin Hotel) Book 2: The Radio Family, Welcome to Hell!Where stories live. Discover now