Chapter 373: How Demonia freed the Stone Giants.

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It took a three days after Aciano told them of his connection with Jinlong for Vlad to notice his wife's absence within the Castle.

He was brooding on his armchair over by the fireplace when Caliban entered the library mid morning on the third day.

Caliban sighed as he approached his brooding father.

"Father, just go and see mother already."

"I mean honestly you're just going to make everything miserable for the rest of us at this rate if you don't

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"I mean honestly you're just going to make everything miserable for the rest of us at this rate if you don't. It's only been three days, and Aciano's perfectly fine so you can't use him as an excuse. He's not even in the Castle right now anyways so what's stopping you?"

Vlad refuses to reply. Caliban groans over his father's brooding tendencies.

"Why do you continue to act like the stereotypical Emo vampire from those teenage romance novels? Especially when you claim to hate the mere notion of those stories being made in any relation whatsoever towards yourself father?"

Vlad glowers at his cheekily grinning son and sneers at him.

"Wipe that smug grin off your face boy."

Caliban crosses his arms and arches an eyebrow that's very reminiscent of his mother. Vlad's irritation with his son faded slightly into a sigh of defeated frustration.

"For your information Caliban, I am well aware of the fact that Aciano's not in the Castle. He's gone off to visit Amelia to lessen his own worries about what happened after Halloween, but it doesn't settle my nerves."

Caliban frowns. "Dad." His eyes glow. "Go see mother before I get the Night Sisters involved."

Vlad sighs before he gets up from his armchair and walks over to the open door.

"I'll be back soon."

"Yeahhh, I doubt it. She's going to be gone for the rest of the week Dad. You don't do well with separation anxiety."

Vlad shots him a warning glare. Caliban's witty grin is telling enough for Vlad that he's just denying the truth. He sighs in exasperation and leaves the Castle in a thin wisp of black smoke.

The thin wisp of smoke heads off towards the hidden entrance to the Stone Giants cave system without drawing attention from any unwanted eyes.

He enters the hidden cave entrance and descends the beautifully carved tunnels towards the central gathering chamber where he heard the singing of the Stone Giants.

To Be Better: by Miracle of Sound

It's a riveting performance with Xasbar, the chief of the Stone Giants leading his people in a song that's symbolic to their past.

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