Chapter 256: A talk with a therapist...doesn't go as planned.

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Azrael smirked softly with his eyes closed as he leaned back on the couch. He chuckled and opened his eyes to smile at Leonidas.

"You gonna tell him about that after Octavia's end of the year concert?"

"'s time I tell him."

Azrael suddenly winced over the influx of newly reaped souls and stood up with a shaking breath. He patted Leonidas's back supportively as he walked towards the cave entrance. "You do that Leo...I know it'll go well for you."

Leonidas smile faded over Azrael's sudden stumble as he felt a few more souls were reaped from life.

It never gets any easier...

"Azrael..." Azrael stopped over Leonidas's tone of voice as the Nemean Lion stood. "Why are you really here? This isn't just about the pandemic and that little talk about the past you had with your siblings—is it?"

Azrael shuddered then Leonidas did the finishing blow.

"Are you trying to hurt yourself even more by ignoring it? Are you ever going to tell us what happened to Aciano to have him be in Hell?"

Azrael closed his eyes and sighed. He looked over his shoulder and smiled softly as a silent tear fell. "In time. I promise, I'll tell you everything. But not now. It's still to soon. Just trust me when I say that he's doing fine, he's actually made a few friends."

Leonidas bit his lip and clenched his hands into shaking fists upon his lap. "I-I do trust you, and it's not because I know you can't lie to me Azrael. Just don't forget that we're also here for you too. Don't you go shutting us out too. Not after everything you've done for us. For Miruku..."

Azrael flinched and turned away and bit his lip to keep himself quiet because it wasn't time for that yet. No matter how much it's eating at him he couldn't jeopardize anything right now.

 No matter how much it's eating at him he couldn't jeopardize anything right now

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"Azrael." Leonidas grabbed his shoulder gently and gave it a comforting squeeze. "You shouldn't have to carry all that heavy guilt and burdens on your own."

Azrael patted Leonidas's hand reassuringly before moving away from the Nemean Lion.

"Trust me Leo, I know...but it's not like it's anything new to me anyway. I was created this way, burdensome emotions and mental baggage are nothing more than a double edged sword within my hands..."

Imaad spoke up. "You're always welcome here Azrael...anytime."

"Yep. I know." He looked over his shoulder again and smirked. "You ain't kicked me out yet! Tell the Snake Charmer I said hello."

He vanished with a two fingered salute and reappeared at the doorsteps of the Hazbin Hotel. He took a deep breath, "...Let's get this over with..." and knocked on the door.

(Hazbin Hotel) Book 2: The Radio Family, Welcome to Hell!Where stories live. Discover now