Chapter 222: Farouk's Meltdown

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Azrael sighed as he channeled his own memories into the Light Orb and showed Mariya the story behind Farouk's self loathing remorse. The moments that lead up to Azrael personally going down to earth to tell Altan of Farouk's death.

Seven weeks after the Pirate Crew's manifestation into Hell...they still couldn't get themselves to see Miruku.

Lucifer and Lilith understood their conflicted emotional pain and chose to simply let them heal first and get settled into their afterlives before broaching the subject again. In the meantime Lucifer told them he'll keep them posted on Miruku's day to day activities until they feel it's time to meet face to face.

Farouk doubts they'll ever have the guts to do so until they get their revenge for Rasim's fate by getting the upper hand on Dread Keeps encroachment into Envy by making sure those ships stay the 🤬 out of Envy's waters PERMANENTLY!

Seven weeks...and yet it only took one week for the twins to be up to their old antics again. Though Farouk was appreciative of the efforts made by them. Although, the fact they were trying to liven the dreary mood that still hovers over them all through comedy is enough to piss Farouk off for an entirely different reason.

They both Suck At Comedy when they're actually trying to be funny and not a irritation!

Frederick Von Eldritch was kind enough to give them an entire island in the middle of the "Sea of Envy" and it was a tropical paradise.

It was great...they couldn't complain—until the moment Lucifer snapped his fingers.

Rasim's merchant ship, the Manjushage—their home—appeared out of thin air—and it was that moment they all broke like shattered stained glass.

They shamelessly broke down in a grieving group hug for five hours straight over the anguish that had befallen onto Miruku...and of the fate of their beloved Captain Rasim Najjar.

The process of turning the island into a home wasn't as slow of a process as you would have thought it to be. Leonidas was hiding from his grief through hard-work.

He was a like an overworked camel in the desert after four weeks of backbreaking labor and then a total of six weeks of ignoring Imaad's insistence to take a break he finally collapsed from exhaustion during the seventh week. It didn't help that Leonidas was the only one willing enough to board the Manjushage during those first few weeks of construction work. It wasn't as odd to Farouk at all that the ship would be linked to Leonidas's psyche and could sail without the need of a crew with just a single thought from that Nemean Lion's mind.

Leonidas practically spent a lifetime on that ship! He mostly used it to sail inland to get building materials. But today at the end of the seventh week Imaad finally put his foot down when he claimed he could get the groceries with Farouk accompanying him.

"No! You are staying here Leonidas. You have been working yourself into exhaustion for seven weeks straight! Get Some 🤬 Rest You Workaholic—and boys..."

Talib and Tariq were caught red handed as they were stuffing their faces with the last of the dessert. Imaad blinked twice before dramatically sighing as he rubbed the bridge of his nose in exasperation. "Please do make sure that he doesn't do anything that's besides relaxing while I'm gone. Can I count on you boys to be responsible for the duration of the time we're out at the market?"

Talib blinked and nodded his head as he spoke with a mouthful of dessert. "Sure..." Tariq grinned in a way Leonidas dreaded as he elbow his twin who turned to face his grinning younger brother. "Wha—? Oh! I mean of course Uncle, we'll make sure he stays perfectly relaxed!"

(Hazbin Hotel) Book 2: The Radio Family, Welcome to Hell!Where stories live. Discover now