Chapter 282: Showing his scars is hard, but for her, it's worth it!

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Rated M for Mature—For Reasons!

Anyone under eighteen, I apologize for ruining your innocence but if you've read this far into the two books then you were already well aware what you were getting into! Especially since this book it listed as Mature content!

So yeah, it's not really my fault if you're scarred for life from reading chapters like this! 😅

The next two chapters are going to be tense for our favorite Snake Charmer, one chapter is flashbacks while other is telling the Pirate Crew  what he learned about Aciano. So yeah, he definitely needs this win in regards to his relationship with Mariya.

It's been growing stronger for weeks now and's finally time for these two idiots to confess their feelings towards each other!

The next morning...

Farouk didn't even sleep. He couldn't. How the 🤬 was he supposed to sleep after everything that happened last night. After she 🤬 kissed him and he did absolutely nothing to persuade her fears of ruining things between them over his own voice failing him!

🤬! He's so furious with himself that he couldn't sleep, therefore he got busy with menial tasks.

He didn't want to explain to the rest of the crew about why he wasn't wearing a shirt or his jacket so he quietly hand washed his shirt and hooded jacket while unknowingly grinning like a 🤬 lovesick idiot. When he finally looked at himself in the mirror his dopey smile faded as he cursed.

"🤬. I look just like Rasim after we found him buying produce like some 🤬 househusband."

He sighed into his hand only to stifle a fit of laughter behind closed lips and chuckled quietly to himself as he put on his shirt and jacket after they dried.

He took a long shaky breath when the shirt covered his back. It wasn't until he put on the jacket that he truly felt like himself again.

He was jittery from the conversations ahead of him today, but then he remembered Mariya's words.

*We'll get through it together.*

His heart felt warm like it was floating in zero gravity as he decided to cook their breakfast.

Now, he's not Imaad. That octopus demon is a 🤬 god in the kitchen...but he's still a pretty good cook in comparison. At least when it comes to cooking a simple breakfast.

At least Leonidas is not as bad as the twins, who have been banned from ever cooking again after setting the kitchen on fire and somehow managing to burn water back when they were all still alive!

Farouk's still on the fence about it actually being water they burned or—something else?

Either way they were both banned with the threat of unspeakable horrors from Imaad should they even think about touching anything that requires cooking skills in order to eat it.

As Farouk plated their breakfast he heard a unholy sounding grumble coming from the hallway and his heart fluttered as his stupid grin returned. He turned around, saw her and all he thought was *🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬* he's so doomed. Mariya's bed head is 🤬 cute and she reminds him of himself in the morning without a cup of coffee. A braindead zombie.

He noticed that despite the lack of coffee she somehow manages to have showered and dressed. Her outfit was business casual, which while appealing on her was overdressed for the discussions of the day. The most blaring issue though was that 🤬 striped white and black tie that she must've blindly grabbed from her closet. It's not even tied yet...

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