Chapter 275: Sweet light of hope...

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The images of Azrael as a younger archangel with those rosy red cheek marks belong to Twitter artist @Sinful_jam

He likes to revert to that younger self for the nostalgia and mostly to mess with his siblings, humans, and demons alike!

He's a little 😈&😇 when he's a ten year old.

Song in this chapter...

Lullaby: song by Sleeping At Last

Charlie chuckled softly. "Let's just stick to the important parts."

"Right," Azrael chuckled as he turned around to lean forward with his arms dangling over the railing of the balcony. "...if I told you everything we'd be still up here chatting and we wouldn't even make to the 1400s! That's longer than a weeks worth of food pills will allow."

Charlie nibbled on her lower lip and looked away slightly before slowly, and sheepishly looking up at him with those big questioning eyes that reminded him so much of Lucifer.

"Sooooo, what did feel like when you first saw me?—Uh, Uncle? Are you okay?"

Azrael was staring off into space with a trembling lower lip. He sniffed and rubbed his right eye with the heel of his palm. "It felt like I was seeing the embodiment of hope and rainbows..."


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"...but also a living breathing being that's also my niece—so that was quite the bonus for my angelic existence."

Charlie smiled and wiped her own eyes.

Azrael smiled and summoned a light orb into the palm of his hand. It hovered and moved to his fingertips as he moved his fingers like a violin player and the light orb gracefully followed the movements. He hummed a short little tune to himself and settled the light orb back into his open palm.

It grew brighter but not blinding. It drew Charlie closer over the gentle warmth and feeling of love emanating from the orb created by her uncle who's known for his constant ice cold temperature. "The thing about light orbs Charlie is that the stronger the memories and emotions of the creator the more likely you are to feel the emotions that lie within. What do you feel?"

" a gentle hug."

"I certainly hope so. These are among my most cherished memories..."

Charlie couldn't look away as the memories started to appear...

Four weeks after Charlie started teething earlier than most babies—blame it on the demonic attributes of her existence—and Azrael finally had enough...

It's surprising that it only took four weeks of Charlie's inconsolable crying while Lucifer and Lilith being dead on their feet from a lack of sleep, for Azrael to decide to give mercy upon them all—especially his Father.

(Hazbin Hotel) Book 2: The Radio Family, Welcome to Hell!Where stories live. Discover now