Chapter 299: Poet/Fighter and the Chef/Fashion Designer

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The Forbidden City: by Antti Martikainen

Within the hotel room of Azrael and Michael...

Azrael's sleep was interrupted by the thoughts of a certain demoness.

*Jinlong...Tsurumi...why have I never considered asking Azrael what became of you both until now?...Huh, perhaps I'll ask him tomorrow?*

Azrael's eyes opened as an icy sweat appeared on his brow. He's stuck in a state of panicked catatonia only for him to breathe a sigh of relief when he heard.

*Rasim's right, I have to stay that curiosity for now. Perhaps it's better to wait until after Halloween...*

Azrael closed his eyes and settled his temperature from freezing the room and waking up his baby brother. That's a whole other conversation he doesn't wanna deal with right now.

*After Halloween...Crabapples...*

It still wasn't ideal but for now it's the best possible outcome he could has dealt with right now. The fates of Jinlong and Tsurumi have weighed just as heavily upon his heart as it did with Rasim and Miruku!

He focused his sights on Dread Keep, and despite everything he hated about the place he couldn't help but smile over how likeminded his favored souls are towards aggravating those of higher power.

And it's a God-given-fact that Wu Jinlong is a king at the poetic sass!

He's a riot!

Azrael smirked as he muses...

*It's said that Draegan Dread likes to observe his subordinates with a calculated eye. Looking for any sort of weakness in their minds so he can snip it off like a dying flower.*

Azrael knows better. Draegan likes to say he's thorough, but that's his pride talking so he appears like he's in control.

*But that's his flaw. The overgrown Komodo Dragon can't stop the soul from it's preordained purpose within Hell. To remember and to suffer. It's two sides of the same coin.*

It's another reason Hell is lucky to have Charlie, Abigail, Josephine, Clementine, and Miruku around. Despite their own issues and sufferings, they find peace within the chaos and use their compassion to help ease the suffering souls to find some semblance of closure.

Regardless no matter how hard that overgrown reptile tries, the souls of Dread Keep will always find a way to fight back against his control; to preserve what's been stolen from them.

To the Divine Creator it's Draegan's own version of mental punishment. To Azrael and Fink, it's the best kind of tv drama around!

To watch Draegan running around his domain steadfastly denying that his powers aren't fallible, and outright forgoing the past in his wild pursuit of a fantasy dream. A fantasy dreamt up by a warmonger Uriel and Raguel once called their uncle...

*Heheh, in the end all this running around and childish denial of a demon who calls him the "True King" will ultimately lead Draegan to his own ruin.*

Does Draegan care about the truth, no. He's to stuck in his ways. Unwilling to accept the reality of his hero being anything more than the murderous tyrant that he follows under like a fanatical devotee.

*As if that's all Acheron was from the very beginning...*

Azrael rolls his eyes.

*Honestly does the brat really think it was that easy for my Father and my eldest brothers to cast out and kill Acheron as though he meant nothing to them at all?*

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