Chapter 302: Little Raguel

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Within an uninhabited forest deep in the Yukon, Uriel was confronted by a few concerned loggers as he was aimlessly strolling along the old logging roads.

The loggers were sweet enough to be concerned about him being so far from civilization as the eldest of the group spoke up with the kindness of a concerned parental figure with the aged appearance befitting a well loved grandfather.

"You sure sonny? These woods ain't no place to be going out alone in. Especially this far in. People have died out here. You sure you don't want to ride back with us...? At least hike somewhere closer to the city?"

"How'd you even get all the way out here?"

"You idiot he obviously followed the logging roads."

"These roads crisscross other roads for miles, one could easily get lost though!"

Uriel chuckled softly as the elder man shushed his companions.

Uriel just smiled as his long platinum blonde hair was draped down along his back while he wore the comfortable clothes of a nature survivalist during this time of year. Items are a backpack and all the supplies necessary for such a journey. He easily waved off their concerns.

"I'll be fine I assure you. I know these woods rather intimately. Drive safe now, and please don't fret about me. I'm far from being in any real peril out here in these woods." He closed his eyes and smelled the crisp scent of nature. "Not in the woods that's been gifted onto man by the very hands of the Divine Creator, no."

He chuckled softly. "No harm will befall me here unless Yahweh himself wills it."

His cheerful smile was still on his face as he trudged into the woods leaving those kind loggers to their state of bewilderment and only when he knew they drove away did he shed his cleverly made disguise and set out on his search for his little brother.

Far off the beaten path into obscurity of dense foliage Uriel smiled down at the sleeping toddler that was his twin brother and chuckled softly as he spoke.

"Raguel..." That sure woke him up.

"Heheh, you really do stink at playing hide and seek

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"Heheh, you really do stink at playing hide and seek."

Raguel's pupils shrunk as he shook in fear when Uriel slowly bent down to pick him up only to yelp when Raguel bit him on the hand.

In hindsight he reallyyyyy should've seen that coming.

Raguel of course heard that yelp of pain and registered Uriel for a moment before crying and fleeing from him once again.

"Raguel—Wait!" Uriel ran only to trip over a tree root and land in a mud puddle.

"Crabapples..." Uriel unceremoniously spat out a mouthful of mud.

He chased after his brother and lost sight of him when he neared a waterfall...he stopped. There was a suspicious golden glow coming from behind the base of the raging waterfall.

(Hazbin Hotel) Book 2: The Radio Family, Welcome to Hell!Where stories live. Discover now