Chapter 340: "You can call me Magal Zamir." - Azrael

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Magal (Scythe in Hebrew)
Zamir (Nightingale in Hebrew)

Earlier that same morning...

At the same as Leonidas's meet and greet with Shoi-Ming outside the boys home...

After Azrael's brief early morning panic from the letter he received from his father over what happened during Halloween...

He was feeling better.

Azrael changed out of his sleep clothes and showered under the setting between cold and lukewarm.

Azrael changed out of his sleep clothes and showered under the setting between cold and lukewarm

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He knew that Micah and Michael were here for him, as was Lucifer. They were down in the hotels music room chatting aware about everything that's happened amongst themselves.

Leaving him to his morning routine.

He loved his brother's dearly but after last night he just wanted a day to himself.

Besides Michael and Micah deserve a day to spend with Charlie.

At breakfast...

Azrael and Michael both downed a food pill and started drinking their coffee alongside Lucifer who stayed to make sure his brother's were alright.

Azrael smirked fondly. *Big worrywart.*

"I still don't know how you three like coffee this bitter." Charlie said, glaring at the dark roast coffee in their hands.

"Darker than a moonless night." Michael started saying with heavy eye bags under his eyes.

"More bitter like a lover scorned." Azrael snorts with a sly smirk and heavy eye bags of his own.

"Hotter than Hell itself..." Lucifer continued with a tired groan.

"The "actual" power source for Gabriel's God-given strength..." Micah spoke with a yawn. Michael immediately smirked at that snarky remark from his other half.

Amos, Alastor, and Josephine all smirked as they raised their own cups and commented.

"The drink that's blacker than our demonic souls!"

The angelic brothers smirked.

"That—is Coffee." They all finished this speech together, with their cups raised in salute before downing their drinks. None of them cared enough about the heat burning their throats.

"You're all impossible." Charlie sighed before addressing her father and uncle's. "I see how you're all alike."

Azrael smirked. "It's the sass. Yep, I'm calling it now. It's 100% the sass."

Both Lucifer and Michael grunted in unison. "Debatable."

Charlie giggled. "However, I didn't think Uncle Micah would join in by sassing Uncle Gabriel?"

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