Chapter 385: "JUST LET ME DIEEEEE!!!" - Jinlong

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Skeletons and ghosts: by UNDREAM & Brad Arthur (On YouTube, Spotify, or ITunes!)

Black has been keeping tabs on the unlikely duo through a pulse mentor app on his robotic arm. The cybernetic patches both demons wore on their jugulars were giving him updates on their pulse rate. Jinlong's was fluctuating which means his adrenaline is high, Black's robotic eyes narrowed.

Draegan spoke up from his chair with Carmilla lounging on his desk.

"What's the status on them Black?"

"Jinlong's pulse rate has been fluctuating rapidly...wait," his frustrated robotic voice settled as he mechanically sighed. "'s suddenly calmed down. Meanwhile Aikia's pulse rate has been steady the whole—," Alarms blared on Black's pulse monitor screen as Aikia's pulse rate suddenly skyrocketed and then it dramatically plummeted into the range that meant he was rendered unconsciousness.

Jinlong's pulse rate mentor then suddenly vanished altogether a few seconds later. Black cursed because he knew that meant Jinlong had removed the cybernetic pulse monitoring patch from his neck and crushed it to get Black's attention.


Black's sudden curse drew everyone's attention.

"Roland pull them out. Aikia's unconscious and Jinlong's pulse monitor has gone silent. That's your cue. Open a portal."

Roland casually flicks his used up cigarette into a trashcan and cracks his knuckles as he walks out into the middle of the room.

"Sure thing Tinnman."

He smirks when Black visibly starts shaking in rage. With a wink towards Morgan, the blonde Mafioso effortlessly opens a portal and hastily sidesteps out of the way when Aikia's unconscious body comes flying out of the portal and slams into Morgan, knocking the navy captain to the floor.

Roland's hat falls off his head in his haste to move out of the way and he winces when he saw Morgan get knocked onto to the floor by that lanky beanpole of a demon.

"Oomph, that's gotta 🤬 hurt. You okay there Alex?"

Morgan groans in response and shoves Aikia off him. "Thank 🤬 our injuries heal. Otherwise I'd be feeling that in my lower back later."

He rolls onto his side only to come face to face with Aikia. Morgan's eyes widen at the state of Aikia's eyes and hastily scrambles away from the unconscious demon with a look of horror in his eyes.

"Oh What The 🤬?!"

Roland couldn't focus on his lovers panicking words because a few seconds after that startled exclamation Jinlong entered through the portal.

Roland immediately closes the portal and bends down to retrieve his hat from the floor.

Morgan shouted. "What The 🤬 Happened To Aikia's Eyes?...Oh 🤬 I'm going to hurl..." Morgan does indeed sound like he's going to be sick. "...Roland..." he abruptly covers his mouth and dry heaves and ends it with a gag. "Please tell me I'm seeing things."

Roland lifted his head up to the ceiling in an exasperated sigh shortly after putting his hat back on his head. He closes his eyes and softly smile before it turns into a smirk as he turns to face Morgan without looking too closely at Aikia. His fond little smirk was hardly noticed by a traumatized looking Morgan. Roland spoke to Morgan with a tone of fond exasperation. "Alex, babe, you are the whiskey to my wine, my hated enemy and honorary rival...I love you truly, but you're a idiot. Now please don't take offense to that cuz I mean that lovingly. You're asking the wrong 🤬 demon. If it's anyone you should be asking it's Jin—," as Roland turns around to face the former Chinese Prince when he spoke, his face pales at the state Jinlong's body is in.

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