Chapter 335: Leo's day out with Shoi-Ming - Part 2

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Shoi-Ming took a little nap in Leonidas's arms as they walked. It was wholesome and brought back memories of Aciano.

"Soooo, about your kid?" And as quickly as the bittersweet wholesomeness of the situation started, so to does it quickly come to an abrupt end.

Leonidas tensed up as he turned his head and looked at Daiyu.

"I don't want to talk about it right now Daiyu..."

"Hey, I get it...touchy subject. I won't pry any further, but, it seems to me like talking about him helped. Anywho, I can see why my little Shoi-Ming adores you so adamantly now."

"Wha—Now?!" Leonidas gave her an incredulous look. "What do you mean now?"

Daiyu laughed and Leonidas won't lie, it's doing things to him. He blushed and grumbled something in Greek out of embarrassment. Daiyu playfully bumped him with her hip.

"Hehe, let's go get something to eat Leo."

Leonidas scoffed and playfully bumped her hip back in retaliation with a smug little grin as he securely held Shoi-Ming in his arms.

"Agreed...let's hurry up and get to the restaurant before we have a hangry five year old on our hands."

"We?" Daiyu smirked. "You're the one who's currently in mortal danger of facing off against his claws Leonidas."

Leonidas paused in his steps and then followed after her when he heard her giggling laughter.

"Then you'll be the one paying for my therapy."

"Therapy?!" Daiyu exclaimed in mock astonishment before she teased him. "Awww does the big bad pussycat fear getting his pretty little emerald green eyes clawed out?"

"No I—you think my green eyes are pretty?"

Daiyu blushed and immediately looked away in embarrassment.

Leonidas blinked then smirked.

"Aww come on now, why so silent? I know I heard you correctly Daiyu."

Daiyu snarled at being called out and snapped at him. "Yeah so what if you did? I bet you get hoards of compliments like that all the time. You aren't ugly by any means Leo. I'd be an idiot to deny that."

Leonidas blinked then smirked at her. "You'd be surprised. It's mostly Farouk who's the one fighting off admirers with Naga wrapped around his arm. Now that he's got Mariya to help him beat away any admirers with a chemical laced fist he's finally able to breathe. The twins are religiously asexual because of childhood trauma, Rasim's happily married, and Imaad's..."

Daiyu arched a brow.

"Imaad's secretly been pining over a naiad demoness he only met once after a confrontation with a Dread Industries ship during the century of the 1700s. Poor woman is but another mind controlled pawn in Draegan's game."

"A hopeless romantic...oh how tragic."

"I wouldn't say hopeless, that's Xander."

"Ha! Poor fool doesn't see what's right in front of him!"

"I feel bad for Crymini."

"What of you then Leo?"

"I wasn't into romance and if I had been at one time it would have likely never lasted long enough to be anything remotely long term. Rasim and Miruku made it work and last for them but couldn't have willingly dragged anyone into that sort of life. My love was first and foremost towards the members of my crew—my family, and towards the sea."

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