Chapter 207: "Think I created a Monster. And now I'll never be alone again."

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Xander William Fink. He's dangerously mysterious, psychotically malicious, and an all around vindictively grinning demon that's completely untethered to a single Ring of Hell! No one besides Lucifer, Lilith, Rosie, and the Archangel's knows what, why, or how he became this way—or if he actually remembers his own death at all?

Does he remember? Good question! If asked to clarify on that he'll say that he remembers feeling pain then comes the hatred that's followed by more pain in the form of a hopeless freedom that was growing more fragile with each day that passed. Does he remember the details no. Does he really care...not really. His memories are a nuisance and his brain is a jumbled mess! Hahahahaha!

His smiles are a way to hide from his own mind and he's fine with that. He gave up his mind to be free of the pain from a cruel and unforgiving world. He had created a monster during his descent into Hell and he's not alone anymore, but for some strange reason—he's noticing that something is missing.

Pieces of images were starting to resurface unannounced within the fabricated decoupage of past memories from a life he'd rather forget. Kalfu curses up a storm whenever he gets like this. Curiosity is what killed the cat after all and yet Xander can't stop himself from sinking into it like quicksand.

He's just as irritated about it as Kalfu!

But Kalfu always pulls him out of that quicksand trap by the mental imagery of a shadowy chain wrapped around his wrists. It's abrupt and jostling but that Kalfu for ya! The stubborn Loa would rather shake ya by the shoulders until your neck snaps and your head moves around like a bobble head before shoving you along into the daily chaos and laughter of Hell.

That's what happens whenever Xander gets to deep within his own messed up head!

Which is why the moment Josephine kept muttering all that sentimental bullcrap Kalfu took the initiative and hightailed it out of there with his Vessel...still being fully aware that Xander had heard everything she 🤬 said.

Kalfu appeared in an empty alleyway after their abrupt departure from the Hazbin Hotel and needless to say, Kalfu was less than pleased with the state the Laughing Hyena Demon was in right now.

Xander appeared out of the shadows with his right eye blown wide open in a state of shock as his iconic Cheshire smile was gone from his face! It was frozen in a shocked expression as he was drowning in the quicksand mind trap. Drifting aimlessly around in a curious haze of gentle touches and kind words...when was the last time someone touched him without fear or hatred? He doesn't know why he missed her gentle touch? Why? Why does it feel so strange and yet so comfortingly familiar all at the same 🤬 time? He doesn't know why her words struck a cord with him? Does he even want to find out?

Xander's Shadowy 'friends' appeared on the wall behind Xander.

Loa Kalfu was currently glowering at Xander from the opposite wall

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Loa Kalfu was currently glowering at Xander from the opposite wall. A split second was all it took for a shadowy hand to appear out of the ground and bitch slap Xander to jolt him out of that quicksand mind trap that he was sinking deeper and deeper into.

(Hazbin Hotel) Book 2: The Radio Family, Welcome to Hell!Where stories live. Discover now