Chapter 279: Well I must say Xander, that's what I call entertainment!

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All around Hell the denizens we're going about their days until...

Every Tv channel turned to static. Vox was sent into a confused state of fury from his office in Porn Studios. He's the Tv Demon and yet he couldn't get the tv channels under was disturbing as a horrific realization was slowly creeping up on him as a haunting laugh emanated from it.

Then...the static of the tv screens were tuning into an image. It was a moment of stuttering static before the abrupt visuals of the darkly lit 666 News Studio came into view. The bodies of the camera crew were at the bottom of the screen laying in pools of blood that splattered everything—including the camera screen. The lights flickered as the screen focused on Katie Killjoy. The News Broadcaster was tied up, gagged, and hanging from the steel rafters over her seat above the news desk. Her eyes were gauged out. The lights flickered, error signals appear on every screen while static sounded from the audio broadcastings. The image reappeared and the news station somehow managed to get even bloodier in the few seconds it took for more idiots to decide to get up and make a run for it. Xander wasn't letting anyone leave—nor was Kalfu.

The shadows crawled up the now bloody green screen like fire, before taking on the haunting shape of a well dressed young man.


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Within the Hazbin Hotel...

Everyone was staring at the screen in fear. Most would agree that seeing an exterminator face to face was only a one day fear at the end of the year—but not a one day terror for the denizens of Hell.

He's a constant reminder of the chaos that lingers within the shadows like a serial killer waiting to pounce. Waiting, watching, never really caring for a plan when he can easily remind them of just how dangerous he is.

Josephine and Alastor were stunned while Clementine giggled and clapped her hands within her Grandpa's arms. Abigail was already jotting notes as her eyes glowed. She's working on cracking the mystery behind her wayward grandson.

Michael was the one that addressed the elephant in the room, doing so with the exasperation befitting a sleep deprived Azrael.

"Oh, lovely—the Psychopathic Loa has been unleashed..." He grumbled Azrael's name and something about how he shouldn't encourage the Loa to get creative in his vengeance schemes...

The rest was all incoherent gibberish before he yawned, "I need coffee." He headed towards the kitchen leaving the others still staring at the screen in shock.

(Hazbin Hotel) Book 2: The Radio Family, Welcome to Hell!Where stories live. Discover now