Chapter 284: Farouk's first kill part 2

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Later that night...

Farouk was tossing and turning in his makeshift bed. He wasn't disrobing into his sleeping clothes...not when that bastards tent is unfortunately close to his due to safety purposes with the storm going on outside...Rasim's was just next door but the rough sandy winds were pounding against his tent as the sleeping camel acted as a wind breaker.

Suddenly the tents door opened, someone entered his tent. Farouk's eyes remained close and his breathing was relaxed. He was an old pro at faking sleep to get someone to let down their guard, only this time he doesn't have Naga to watch his every move.

Naga's buried beneath the warm sand and oblivious to everything going on right now as he conserves his body heat.

It doesn't matter though, Farouk's had to deal with knocking out a few bodies and then leaving Altan to deal with, plus he always had his father's knife close to his hands. He slowly turned his head enough his eye through his fringe of hair and saw the glint of a dagger and a sly smirk, an unfamiliar smirk.

He moved before the assassin had the chance to kill him and disarmed the man. He then expertly pinned the man on the sands. Farouk was screaming over the sound of the winds.


The man didn't say a word before kneeing Farouk in the groin and stabbing his shoulder with a small knife. Farouk hissed in pain only to scowl as the assassin ran out of the tent into the sandstorm.


The sand and wind pounded against him as he spun around to find Rasim standing behind him

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The sand and wind pounded against him as he spun around to find Rasim standing behind him. Rasim mouthed. "Threat?"

Farouk nodded before his head shifted towards the nearby tent behind Rasim.

Rasim mouthed. "I'll make sure...the Camel still with us...and inform Leo. You...check on the other's. Stay on guard brother."

Farouk's face warmed over those words as the sandstorm was letting up it's ferocity. He swiftly headed towards the Al Saleh's tent and sighed when he saw them unharmed. He then woke them up.

"OW—Who kicked me?" Talib's sleepy eyes saw the silhouette of a man and he screams. "GAH! TARIQ WAKE UP!"

Tariq woke up with a start and yelled. "FAROUK WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN OUR TENT?"


They all flinched as Imaad sat up with a major case of bed head and a scowl that could freeze water. It broke the moment he saw Farouk and he hastily stood and dressed. "Boys get up and get dressed something's happened."

The twins paled and immediately did as they were told. Leonidas entered the tent with a scowl as he dragged the Camel Guide inside with Rasim following behind him he was facing the tent door.

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