Chapter 287: The Child of Assassin in the making.

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Audeamus: by Clocks and Clouds

Azrael strengthened the sound barrier around the island when he saw Leonidas was blinking in shock over one particular occurrence suddenly clicking into place within his mind. He immediately grabbed at his hair in stunned disbelief.

"Oh 🤬! I've already met Caliban!"

All eyes that weren't the angelic trio immediately turned to stare at Leonidas in shock.

Farouk spoke as he blinks in bewilderment. "What?"

"That Smug Brat from the Chinatown gambling district, the one that helped gather the necessary documents we needed to save the Community Center kiddos for child slavery...that was him wasn't it?"

Leonidas looked at Azrael for further confirmation and got a silent nod before the Archangel of Death spoke with a coy smirk.

"Yep that was him. Also," his golden eyes narrowed as he felt his Father's protectiveness towards young Caliban fill his own heart all the way from Heaven.

"My Father, would like me to inform you Leo, that his Great-Grand-Nephew did not take kindly to being viewed as someone who is similar to Draegan Dread. That little look you gave him before he vanished with the girl..."

Leonidas flinched over that tone.

"Yeah Leo you done goofed that up big time! Because being compared to Draegan is one of Caliban's biggest insecurity about himself. He's lucky he didn't go full on dragon mode! Poor kid has some serious evil uncle issues and you put him through the mental ringer!"

He gave Leonidas a cold unnerving stare.

"You also threatened his girlfriend, so yeah I'd say he had a pretty good reason to be pissed off at you...even if he did overreact. It was out of love for his girlfriend's safety."

"Aha so I was right about him—wait, SO SHE IS HIS GIRLFRIEND?"

"Yep. Her names Viviana. Snarky as any teenaged girl her age but loyal and sweet as a ripe cherry, especially towards her found family. She views Aciano like a little brother. It's adorable and I'm biased I know but I just adore that little butterfly kiddo."

Leonidas smirked. "Don't we all..."

Farouk however was reaching his limit on emotional patience with all that tangent conversations. "Okay glad to know they're on our 🤬 side, but let's refocus here people! Can you please just tell us how Aciano fits into all of this Azrael—please!"

At that reminder Azrael was now shaking as his white knuckled fists were clenched at his sides. He was breaking skin as his fingernails were digging deeply into the skin of his palms.

Farouk blinked in shock over than sudden reaction. "Whoa hey stop that you're hurting yourself Azrael!"

Azrael didn't hear a word Farouk said.

Michael frowned softly and placed his hand on Azrael's shoulder.

Azrael immediately shuddered over the warmth that radiated from Michael's touch. It was Micah's influence in calming his emotions through the touch of his hand that calmed him down.

Farouk spoke hesitantly. " okay there you Emo Pigeon?"

Azrael frowned. "No."

Farouk gulped and Imaad took initiative and spoke. "We can take a break Azrael if you need one...please don't push yourself on our behalf."

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