Chapter 371: Partners In Crime

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Alastor blinked his eyes awake.

His mind was still hazy from sleep, his brain trying to process his surroundings. He slowly slipped into proper awareness, taking a feel of the familiar sheets beneath him, the comforter above him and the ever pleasant warmth that's encompassing him. There was a slender arm wrapped around his waist, a body pressed against his back, keeping him tucked into a bare breasted chest, whilst the other arm was placed beneath the pillow that Alastorʼs head was resting upon.

He opened his eyes slowly, taking in the sight of today's pink fluffy hair belonging to his wife—it looked so soft. Alastorʼs hand itched to run his fingers through it—but the closed eyes he knew contained pools of red and copper, of secrets hidden deep within that he was far more intimately aware of than what was oftentimes implied towards others...huh...he couldn't. He shouldn't...but the temptations there and it's strong!

His eyes trailed down to the slightly parted mouth, soft pants of featherlight breaths making their way in and out of the slender throat and diaphragm of the woman he loves most in all of Earth, Heaven, and Hell.

Alastorʼs lips twitched into a soft smile, hidden away from the world.

He brought his hand up to graze his fingers along the soft flesh of Josephine's left cheek, before biting down on his lip to prevent himself from - Heaven forbid - kissing her.

She mewed softly in her sleep and her arm shifted lower down his stomach as she squirmed against his back and...Alastor let out a strangled gasping pant. Another urge rose up to the surface like a glass filled with far too much water, ready to tip over at any given moment.

Alastor clenched his eyes shut.

*Goddamit woman...* He suppressed a low groan as her leg moved to drape over his legs while her breasts are squeezed against his back.

He thought long and hard about this predicament he was now in for a few seconds, a frown now gracing his features before he came to the conclusion.

Josephine was asleep. Peacefully asleep and Clementine is sleeping peacefully in the other room. He shouldn't disturb this tranquility to satisfy his own needs.

Alastor could keep his dignity and fulfill his desire later in the shower without having to worry about the incessant teasing from his diabolical wife. It wasnʼt like Josephine didnʼt usually wake him up with a kiss strong enough to take his breath away first thing in the morning, or feather-light kisses peppered onto his face—Alastor would always wake up from the ticklish sensation, and even though he would probably never admit to it to certain demons (Angel Dust), he loved it when Josephine cuddles and cages him to the bed with her body and Josephine knew that he loved it.

He wasn't going to fall to temptations but...that doesn't mean he can't at least kiss her good morning.

With this in mind and a new, firm resolve, Alastor leaned upwards and tilted his head back to hover lightly beside his wife's face, before removing his hand that's still caressing her cheek to lightly place his lips against the surface of the soft skin. He did it so lightly, even he barely felt it.

Leaning away ever so slightly, Alastor smiled satisfactorily, his heart swelling with affection, before he blinked—and suddenly found himself on his back! He's staring up at the sleep-hazed eyes of the woman he loves, with wide eyes and his mouth parted open in shock.


The aforementioned demoness smirked lop-sidedly at him, with those half lidded eyes still laced with sleep, causing a full body shiver to run down Alastorʼs spine as he gulps.

(Hazbin Hotel) Book 2: The Radio Family, Welcome to Hell!Where stories live. Discover now