Chapter 209: The demoness named Crymini

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"...Heh, no wonder you're desperate to get the Princess's attention. You're a hopeless romantic and I'm sadly not getting paid for any of this shit." The hissing spray of the paint can was all she heard as Xander was once again thrown for a mental loop while Kalfu was cackling like mad within his mind!

Xander mentally showed Kalfu aside and spoke. "You've got spunk. But I'll have you know whatever you've heard of me—is all true. Also, that bloody wall still in consideration."

"Yeah yeah you're not the first demon to threaten me Bub, but I meant what I said. If you really wanna be a participant in the mural event then I suggest you give me a 🤬 good reason to let you participate." She turned to him with a pointed look, "and no, wanting to flirt with Princess Charlotte won't cut it pal. And yeah I know you like her. You're so painfully obvious it's no wonder Vaggie's got a dartboard with your name on it."

Xander's right eye twitched as did the corner of his iconic grin. Crymini smirked slyly over successfully unnerving him. She chuckled and casually tossed him a spray can.

"I can tell you're not much of a conversationalist right now, and I can already guess the reason you're here has something to do with Josephine Williams using that overly caring mother mode of hers on your sorry ass...that or you're actually secretly desperate for some friends but are so deep in denial that you refuse to admit it."

Xander looks like he was two seconds away from splattering her brains out on the mural wall and yet Crymini grinned challengingly and held up her index finger to effectively stop him in his tracks. "So here's a counter offer, no handshakes required. You have one of two options really. You can leave now, or you can prove your worth to me as an artist through your skills with the spray can."

She continued with that challenging grin and arched a eyebrow as she nonchalantly crossed her arms over her chest. "Show me how much of a talented artist you really are and I might actually consider your participation depending on your skills." She headed towards the corner of the building acting as though she were heading to the entry doors.

Xander blinked and then his jaw slacked in disbelief. "Wha—Hey! Where the 🤬 are you going?"

"Where does it look like I'm going? I've got to go inside and help those idiots wrangle a group of turbo crawling toddlers and rowdy preschoolers into behaving less like sugar high heathens, and more like the respectable future delinquents I know they will become!" She pointed to him and smirked. "You on the other hand can get started on painting already because times a ticking Xander—so get to it!"

Xander was about to remark an insult towards her smug attitude—only to uncharacteristically freeze the moment she grinned teasingly at him with her carmine eyes glowing beneath the shadows of her mohawk bangs. "As for a reference photo, I don't think you'll be needing it, right? No in fact, I'm sure you've already memorized the image. Haven't you—Xander?"

Xander bit his cheek and growled before scoffing. "Bit counterproductive to blindly allow someone you hardly even know to be in complete control of your work for the next three hours now isn't it, Ms Crymini?"

Crymini looked over her shoulder and smirked at him. "Then consider this a test of earning my trust Xander." She pulled out her phone and checked the time. "It's 8:00 now, you've got three hours before the daycare kiddos get picked up by their parents for lunch. That's also when I also take my lunch break."

"Three Hours—Pfft that's hardly a challenge."

"Then it should be easy for you." She started walking away again only to stop and grin wickedly at him from over her shoulder. "Oh and no using your Shadowy little friends or that chaotic Loa to help you paint Xander. If you truly want to participate then it has to be your ability, no tricks or voodoo strings attached!"

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