Chapter 244: Little Raven

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Jophiel's voice sang through the lands as an angelic melody while she worked to ease her brother's pain with doing his job for him. She was working with their Father who was focused  solely on Azrael's work with sending the Hell bound souls to Hell with a snap of his fingers.

Meanwhile, Jesus was multitasking with the angelic scribes and had his disciples and the apostle Paul helping out with sorting Gabriel's prayer work for him while the Messenger Archangel was with the rest of his elder brothers within Azrael's home.

Raphael wasn't there right now since he's turned into an emotional wreck within the Healing Ward over not knowing what to do to help Azrael? For once he didn't know what to do...and it certainly didn't help that he's also stressed out of his mind and fed up with humanities stubbornness.

Raziel was snippety with anyone and anything that wasn't somehow related to Azrael's condition right now and Gabriel was fidgeting worse than whenever he's hyped up on fifteen cups of caffeine!

Raguel silently handed Gabriel the puzzle cube he always had on him to settle his little brother's nervous tick before returning to his silent vigil at Azrael's bedside.

Michael was pacing the room while Raz and Daz were garbling and chirping in worry over their Daddy's well-being on their little hanging bed hammocks.

In the midst of all this Uriel was brewing tea.

Uriel poured a few cups and calmly handed them to his siblings. "Give him time everyone. He's still exhausted and I'm certain that he'd like his personal space to remain unhindered by the concerns of his frantic siblings. Despite it coming from a place of love you all know that he's not one to open up when he feels pressured or overwhelmed."

Gabriel spoke. "But..."

Raziel sighed as he stood up to leave with his tea. "Huh, I don't like it, but as always Uriel is right Gabriel."

"Wha—bu-but Raziel?"

Michael suddenly grumbled as Micah was having a mental conversation with him. He pinched the bridge of his nose in irritation.

"Huhhhh, Micah why do you always got to be the voice of reason?"

He huffed over Micah's answer before opening his eyes to speak towards his brother's.

"Listen to them Gabriel. We're not going to be of any use to Azrael by stressing him out over his well-being two seconds after he wakes up. Besides, Raphael's got enough stress as it is over everything, as do you Gabe. We've still got jobs to do. Just leave this to Raguel." He sighed heavily as his tone turned remorseful. "He's not going to leave his side right now anyway."

Raguel turned to face his younger Archangel brother's and noticed the drained look in Michael's eyes and the worried looks in Gabriel's and Raziel's. He gave his signature curt nod as Uriel heated the teapot with his bare hands so it'll last longer and then stood up to hand the tray to his fraternal twin.

Uriel's smile was a confidence booster. "I'll see to it that they all don't stress out over this. Take care of him Raguel...and remember, I may be the eldest of us, but he'll listen to you more than he will with me." He gave Raguel a kindhearted wink. Raguel instantly inhaled a shaky breath over the worry he had for his little brother's emotional state.

Uriel smiled and gently squeezes his twins shoulder in comfort. "You shouldn't doubt yourself over this Raguel. When the moment comes, you'll know what to do."

Raguel nodded softly before turning his head to gaze at their peacefully sleeping Little Raven and his two eyeball companions chirping softly at him in worry over Azrael.

(Hazbin Hotel) Book 2: The Radio Family, Welcome to Hell!Where stories live. Discover now