Chapter 254: Azrael's Anti-Stress Routine...

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Azrael woke up to Hana poking his cheek.

"Wake up Mister Raven Man."

Azrael opened his eyes and looked around only to see blurry images. "Wha—where am—?" His vision cleared and he saw Crymini smirking as she leaned against a table with coloring paper and art supplies. Xander was cackling like a spotted hyena as he supported himself with a hand against the nearest wall. "Oh...right."

"Bwhahahaha you're really out of it ain't ya Zazzy boy?"

Azrael's eyes glowed as he frowned in angered annoyance. "Oi Laughing Hyena, it's Zaz to you. Remember that."

Xander rolled his eyes. "A simple thank you will suffice."

"Yes," Azrael turned towards Hana and smiled fondly at her. "Thank you Hana."

Xander's anger became visible as the shadows turned into snarling beasts. "HEY!"

"Oh shut up Xander and I know you're laughing at my expense Kalfu

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"Oh shut up Xander and I know you're laughing at my expense Kalfu."

Crymini smirked as she blew a bubble in her gum and popped it. "He's not wrong there."

Xander's grin twitched.

Azrael snapped his fingers and his bag with his weapons appeared in his hand. He pulled out his weapons and chanted so softly not Hana's excellent hearing could hear.

The weapons joined and became the spear. He the waked Xander's shadowy hand from touching the bag. The Shadow hissed as the flattened section of the spearheaded actually made physical contact.

"No touching Kalfu. You know the unspoken agreement, you're not a child..." He then turned to Hana. "Ah, no offense."

Hana just smiled.

Crymini spoke up. "Sooooooo why ya here?"

Azrael eyed Xander who snickered. "Let me guess, family kicked you out of the house again?"

Hana frowned. "Why'd they do that? He's so nice?"

Azrael glared at Xander. "No, I wasn't kicked out you two faced psychopath."

"Soooooo you weren't forced to come here?"

Azrael spoke in a lackadaisical tone. "I was stressed and needed a break." (True)

He then glared at a snickering Xander. "What's your excuse Xander?"

Hana giggled as Xander opened his mouth then closed it with a scoff.

Azrael smirked. "My point exactly. Now, seeing as how little Hana's safe, I should be heading out. I've got a mandatory meeting with Abigail Williams and anti-stress routine to get through beforehand."

Xander grinned at him in a way that screamed mischief and Azrael pointed the green obsidian blessed tip of his secondary spear at Xander's nose. "You, stay here. I've heard this place has been getting a lot of publicity by the locals and unwanted attention from the news. Make sure it's good publicity Xander. Unless you want Killjoy to get enough dirt on you, Crymini, or the kiddos to ruin your new found family's reputation by dragging the innocence and charm of the children straight through the gutter?"

(Hazbin Hotel) Book 2: The Radio Family, Welcome to Hell!Where stories live. Discover now