Chapter 326: A birthday cake for the birthday boy! That's you Caliban!

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Meanwhile back in the bustling streets of Envy's Asian district...

The four young adults (Caliban, Viviana, Aciano, & Amelia) were casually following their chaperone (Tsurumi) as the esteemed culinary tycoon of Envy lead them towards the residential area of the Asian district. Tsurumi hummed a tune to herself as she walked along the bridges. The Hellish sun had already faded into a twilight blue.

Amelia Faulkner was walking near her and nibbled on a portion of her strawberry sugar candied butterfly.

"Are you sure it's alright with me staying over at your place tonight Lady Fenghuang? I-I don't want to impose..."

Tsurumi smiled down at Amelia with a fondness in her eyes. Aciano was walking with his right arm around his girlfriends waist and a blue sugar candied butterfly in his left hand. Aciano's attention immediately shifted towards this older demoness. He gave her a side-eyed glare with those feline contact lenses contracting into a thin slits.

"It's no trouble at all my dear. After everything that's happened today, I'd feel more at ease knowing that you were somewhere safe and not walking home unattended."

His eyes glowed with irritation. "She can easily take care of herself."

"Oh I'm aware, but it's the principle of the matter, since I'm her employer."

The cheshire grin that slowly adorned his face is a silent warning for Tsurumi to choose her next words wisely.

"Seeing as how I was the one responsible for ensuring her safety during today's festivities I have come to the rather unfortunate experience of failing in that role."

Amelia immediately opened her mouth to defend Tsurumi's honor but the older demoness merely raised her hand with a closed eyed smile. "I will stand by those words Ms. Faulkner. I said that no harm would come to you today, and I have failed to keep that promise. Therefore, if I'm allowing you to stay the night in my home, then it's not done out of alterier motive. I maybe an envy bound soul but my envy is not as horrid as many would assume. The envy brought upon by a lost love and forgotten memories is what drives me, not the scornful jealousy of so many others. There's a few who are similar to me in that regard. Envy has many forms and not all chose to act on it as boldly."

Aciano eyed her then chuckled softly as he bit off a portion of the wing from his sugar candied butterfly.

"Welp, I've got no other reason for any further interrogation."

He grinned wickedly as Tsurumi rolled her eyes.

Viviana was giggling over Amelia's incredulous look towards a smugly grinning Aciano only to notice how Caliban's eyes never left them as he was walking two steps behind.

"Hey, you okay?"

"Hmm?...Oh yeah I'm fine Viv."


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