Chapter 266: This isn't chaos...

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Earlier that morning...

Xander William Fink was more than a little cautious about being around the Archangel brothers. He doesn't regret anything he did to those Rouge Exterminators—but he does regret all the times he's accidentally made Charlie cry instead of smile...

However, his cautious nature doesn't mean that he afraid of those Archangel's.

Oh no he's just been given a healthy reminder to shut his trap and keep a low profile around that Archangel's split persona—Micah.

Xander will never admit it, but he's actually grateful for the fact that he hadn't decided to make an appearance and end up being a victim of Messanger Angel when he's in a rage...

Because yes, he's noticed that the Hotel's foundation stones are just ever so slightly cracked around the entry doors. 

If what Kalfu muttered to him about the Messenger Angel is true then—Michael was only using a millimeter level of the strength required to match the level of strength Gabriel likely would've used on him.

Which also meant that the Messenger Angel was obviously holding back substantially on how much strength he used against that hotel door. Probably because he wanted to spare the Hotel from crumbling down to the foundation stones over his abilities!

That thought alone caused Xander to gulp in dread as the sudden realization hit him like a sludge hammer to the skull. He's toeing a very thin line with Charlie's angelic relatives and that's a stupid idea to do because he wants to stay in her good graces and the angelic family are going to obviously become a larger factor in her life now!


His made the mistake of clenching his hand into a fist and cursed. His brutally shattered hand bones are still healing underneath the protective brace his Shadow stole from one of the few hospitals within Hell. His wrist wasn't broken anymore, just sprained, while his arm bones are already fully healed.

His hand is the most pressing issue for him right now!

It's a nuisance! There's a reason he doesn't like being injured. Some injuries can take forever to heal. Especially if it's a severe injury—it's like his bones never have the desire to set properly. It's something along the lines of it mirroring his past "accidents" or whatever Kalfu feels like telling him about it? It's not like he cares about the logistics behind that, he could've guessed that was the problem over the fact he's only got one 🤬 eyeball in his head!

Kalfu has turned into an irritable bastard, and more than once Xander's told that grumbling Loa to shut up, due to the migraine that's forming within his skull.

He's irritated, pissed off, and currently suffering from boredom. He's in one of his "moods" today and all manner of pranks, singing, cooking, and graffiti art have failed to entertain him.

Therefore, with nothing else to do he trudged his way through the streets of Hell towards the one location outside of his asylum funhouse home that actually makes him feel like he was being 'seen' and not ignored.

For once the childlike screams coming from the daycare's playground was a welcoming sound to his ears.

He couldn't help but smile softly as he wondered what mischief his little prodigy (Dennis the Menace) was getting himself into today—and if he needs some guidance by a veteran prankster?

He then wondered if little Hana was still getting bullied? If so...then he'll just have to pay those scumbags a friendly little—visit.

He rounded the corner leading to the small fenced in enclosure where the Community Center has a playground for the daycare kids only to freeze over what he saw through the chainlink fence...

(Hazbin Hotel) Book 2: The Radio Family, Welcome to Hell!Where stories live. Discover now