Chapter 304: Of Clocks, Chilies, and the Reaper's Insecurities...

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The same day of Clementine's impromptu adventure through Envy's Chinatown Aciano was informed that Caliban's gift was ready to be picked up thanks to one of Elizabeth's ravens incessantly cawing outside his bedroom door.

"Yes? What is it you chatty creature?"

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"Yes? What is it you chatty creature?"

"Cawwwww Clockshop Clockshop CAWWW!!!"

He grabbed the raven out of the air and closed its beak with his other hand.

"Shut Up!" He hissed out through his teeth. "I don't want him to hear or else I'll turn you into rotisserie chicken!"

He let go of the disgruntled bird and sighed as it flew away to complain to Elizabeth. Aciano showered, got dressed, and informed Master Vlad and Queen Demonia that he's going out.

Within Pride...

Aciano was disguised in that ugly green monstrosity and walking hand in hand with Amelia towards the Clockshop looking as inconspicuous as possible.

Like the young gentleman that he is Aciano opened the door for his girlfriend.

They entered the Clockshop only to see that Cogsworth was tinkering away at an old broken pocket-watch with a fanatic desperation in his posture. His shaking hands were one thing to be worried about, the steam sputtering like mad from the pipes jutting up along his shoulder and body was another thing entirely.

Cogsworth was muttering in another language only to slam his hands down on the table in frustration when the pieces of the pocket-watch broke apart again into three separate pieces.

"Dammit All To Hell!"

Amelia's eyes widened by this uncharacteristic curse from the well spoken Englishman.

"You okay Cogsworth?"

Cogsworth jolted and turned to look at them like a startled rabbit only to sigh as he placed a hand over his mechanical heart when the gears started to turn again. "Ah...Ms. Faulkner you nearly gave this poor demon a stopped heart over the shock."

"Sorry about that, you seem troubled?"

Aciano was less polite in his approach and spoke with a bored tone. "What's the issue old man? You're more jittery than a friend of mine after she's had more than two cappuccinos."

Amelia glared at him and he raised his hands in surrender.

"What? It's a valid comparison!"

Cogsworth chuckled. "Ah...heheh, it's nothing to concern yourselves with I assure you just..." His hand brushed along the pieces and he flinched and turned to see if anything was damaged by even the gentlest of touches. "...tinkering." That panicked reaction sparked something of familiarity in the couple.

Amelia stepped forward. "It's clearly something important to you if you're acting like this Cogsworth...maybe I could help fix it?"

Cogsworth got defensive. "No! No One Else Touches It!"

(Hazbin Hotel) Book 2: The Radio Family, Welcome to Hell!Where stories live. Discover now