Chapter 241: Caliban and Viviana's Love Story...part 2

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A few months of awkward flirting and Caliban finally decided it was time to introduce her to the Stone Giants.

After putting up his own disguise illusion he blindfolded her (after getting her consent to be blindfolded first) and lead her somewhere outside the castle by the shoulders. It was close to the base of the cliffside and the flaming sea. She could feel the heat and hear the sounds of the flames crashing against the cliffside.

"Cal if you make me trip and fall flat on my face, I swear I'll—Eep!" She shuddered when he suddenly chuckled as he leaned forward to whisper into her ear as he pushed her along from behind.

"I know you're using your hearing to listen to the vibrations from everything around you..."

She gulped as her face turned pink. "Its—It's the 🤬 principle of the situation Cal! You're not supposed to let a lady fall flat on her face!"

His happy chuckling turned his face from pink to red. "Relaxxxxxxx I'm not going to let you fall Viv..."


"I—Uh it's only fitting that we use nicknames outside of the precaution."

Viviana managed to get her emotions under control along with an equally blushing Caliban.

"Anyway we're here." He gently removed the blindfold. They had entered into a large cavernous area. Viviana could hear the sounds of water dripping of stalactites and the rhythmic sounds of something else farther down inside the caves. It sounded like workers.

The strangest part was the armored massive statue near the entrance to the innermost portion of the cave.

Viviana approached the statue. "Where are we?"

"You're in our home young lady."

"OH WHAT THE HELL?!" Viviana screamed as a deep voice echoed around the entrance of the cave as the statue suddenly moved from its seated position into a standing position.

"OH WHAT THE HELL?!" Viviana screamed as a deep voice echoed around the entrance of the cave as the statue suddenly moved from its seated position into a standing position

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Caliban smirked as he casually walked over to stand beside a freaked out Viviana. "Xasbar great to see you."

Xasbar bowed slightly in greeting. "Always happy to see you as well young Master."

Viviana blinked in surprise as Caliban gently placed his hand on her back. "You can breathe now Viviana. The Stone Giants are old family friends to the Queen."

"Stone Giants...No offense but I thought they were a myth!"

Xasbar laughed. "Just as we like it. Means it's less of a hassle for us if the rest of Hell doesn't know we exist."

They walked down into the cave and Caliban created a fireball within his hand before sending it out into the darkness where it split apart to relight the candles.

As they walked Viviana was left awestruck by the beautiful cravings.

As they walked Viviana was left awestruck by the beautiful cravings

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