Chapter 228: The Baby has the 🤬 IQ of a 2 year old! - Kalfu

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Day six of the mural event went off normally than yesterday's.

Xander steered far away from Clementine who was looking around at everyone and smiling at everything. Kalfu sneered. *Little Heathen thinks it's so smug with that few weeks old little innocent baby act...Pfft! I know her IQ is that of a two year olds right now! Smug little bastard baby.*

Compared to yesterday, today was also a big surprise for Cherri Bomb and Arackniss.

Yesterday Mariya and Farouk were not on a first name basis—at all, and looked like they would kill each other. Today they were on first name basis and chatting about things that only crazy snake people chat about.

"Pfft, that's nothing. I've seen Shahmaran swallow a demonic shark—whole! It looked like she was either pregnant or belonged in Gluttony with how big her stomach was!"

Rasim shuddered. "Can we please change the subject..."

Husker chuckled. "Heh, I've heard Florida has 🤬 pythons now," he took a swig of his drink and continued. "So that story has merit to it if you think about it. As for Florida—their animal ecosystem is 🤬."

Azrael rolled his eyes from a few feet off the ground as he levitated.

Rasim gagged over the imagery. "What part of change the subject don't you understand?"

Azrael smirked as he worked on touching up the many shades of blue with the highlights of neon blue Xander had brought from his personal stash of "not-glow in the dark" spray paints.

"Squeamish stomach Rasim? If you think that's bad then you really don't wanna get my older brother started..."

Charlie blinked. "You mean your older brother Ziel?"

Azrael snorted over the improvised name for Raziel. "Nope, as bad as Ziel would be it's actually Urie that'll fill your head with horrible images of animals that either defy all laws of nature..."

He paused to touch up a section of the mural before commenting. "Are so ugly only my little sister Jophie and Urie find them adorable..."

He paused, turned his entire body sideways and levitated like that and continued painting the mural. "Or they eat things they really shouldn't have to eat just to survive."

He chuckled. "Trust me, I used to think kolas and bunnies were cute until I learned that the baby kolas have to eat their mothers poop to get used to eucalyptus, and rabbits just eat poop to live period. If that's not bad enough to make you squeamish then the here's another useless fact—the mating call of a kola sounds like Satan suffering from a severe case of bad indigestion!"

Xander fell into a laughing fit and practically fell off the scaffolding only to be caught by Josephine's shadow as the mother was cradling her baby in a sling against her chest with a little neck pillow.

"Bwhahahahahahahaha! Satan's indigestion, oh 🤬 that's comedy gold!"

Azrael bowed. "Thank you thank you all be here until tomorrow afternoon!"

The daycare children all looked at him with sad eyes. "Tomorrow afternoon?"

Hanna questioned softly. "Where are you going after Raven-Man?"


Dennis pouted. "Can't you stay longer?"

Xander smirked as he scaled up the shaky scaffolding.

"Yeah, can't you stay longerrrrr hahaha?"

Azrael shot him a glare as he levitated in order to spray paint an area that needed more neon blue higher up while contemplating spray painting Xander's shirt.

(Hazbin Hotel) Book 2: The Radio Family, Welcome to Hell!Where stories live. Discover now