Chapter 291: The Blue Butterfly meets The Prince of Darkness

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Fables: by Secession Studios

The image in the light orb appeared and the everyone besides a calm level headed Michael had to stop themselves from pulling a Leonidas and run for the ship once they caught a glimpse of a neon blue glow within Michael's eyes.

The narrow eyes was all Michael but the serene smile was Micah pulling off a rather impressively terrifying Raphael grin. "Don't even try it. Same warning goes for you as well Zaz. Or do you want us to put you in that straight jacket again?"

They were silent. Azrael unnervingly so, Michael sighed alongside Micah within his mind as they strengthened the light orb so it could continue revealing the truth of Aciano's life in Hell...

Prince Caliban is 17 now and he's always found it rather strange how once he reached the age of 12 year old in his developmental period of life (after a few centuries of slow aging) that the aging process turned more—human.

Well not entirely human so to speak.

It's solely in the sense that it's no longer a century between his birthdays and now only a single human decade.

Ten years total for a decade as opposed to the ten decades that make up a century it took for him to age from before he turned the age of 12.

His father thinks it's because he's technically half human given the fact his father was once—human.

It's a decade because of the sole fact that his once human father is now a demonic vampire of Hell.

So yeah, what do you get when you decide to create DNA Soup? Put a pinch of human with a dash of vampire thrown into the bloody meat and viscera of boiled down draconian broth and you get Caliban's DNA Soup.

His mother's just glad he's no longer required to have a babysitter to watch over him and remind him to strengthen his concealment spells 24/7.

Since his 12th birthday his powers have strengthened significantly.

Six decades have passed since his 12th birthday and he's now 17. He suspects that his aging was going to slow down again when he reaches 18.

He suspects the rapid aging process from when he was 12 onward was his bodies defense mechanism against the volatile nature of Hell. It wouldn't make much sense to stay young and defenseless down here for longer than necessary.

It's nearing the end of the year 1735. One more day before the yearly extermination.

One more day and he gets to observe the Angels from the concealed safety of his bedroom.

He's drawn their masks over the centuries thanks to his keen vampiric eyesight, and there's one mask that struck him as an odd abnormality out the bunch...

It was during the years of the Black Death that Caliban's keen eyesight caught glimpses of a strange black winged Angel wearing a jade greenish blue snarling demon faced mask. The Angel's movements were calculated, graceful, but heavy...almost as though the actions of this Angel were being weighed down by the deaths that surround it's holy presence like some dark anguishing cry upon the souls of the slaughtered...

When he asked his father about it Vlad had said that back when he was still a human boy in Walachia, he was told stories of the Archangel's of Heaven.

Primarily the Archangel of Death given his interest in the macabre. The description states that this Archangel's appears with his blackened midnight wings to guide the souls of the deceased into Heaven or Hell. Caliban also learned about the role this angelic being played in the 10th Plague of Egypt.

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