Chapter 224: A talk. A tantrum. And a meeting with the Von Eldritch's

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"You've, got some 🤬 nerve showing your face here after what you've done

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"You've, got some 🤬 nerve showing your face here after what you've done..."

It was at this moment Mariya would've rather just faced Dennis the Menace and deal with the healing process of two shattered shinbones than having to deal with a livid Mrs. Miruku Najjar!

Farouk looked like he was emotionally done with everything and didn't bother commenting to Miruku on the fact he doesn't want anyone dying in a pool of blood on the Teahouse floor by her crazy tanto skills.

Mariya held up her hands in a desperate attempt at appearing less threatening and spoke. "I don't want any trouble I'm simply here to apologize and to talk..."

Miruku arched a brow. "Talk you say...?" She slowly sheathed the tanto into the scabbard as her appearance changed back to her usual look. The mirror-like blade showed her right eye was still crimson red before it faded the moment the *clink* of the hilt meeting the top of the scabbard was heard.

 The mirror-like blade showed her right eye was still crimson red before it faded the moment the *clink* of the hilt meeting the top of the scabbard was heard

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She placed the tanto back into her Obi sash and spoke again. "Talk, about what? About how cold and heartless you were to remind him of Altan in such a horrible demeaning way? No, I think you've said plenty to him."

Farouk spoke softly with an emotionally numb gaze and drained voice. "Just let her speak...the damn Death Angel likely told her everything and sent her here just to 🤬 pity me..."

Mariya actually spoke in defense of the Death Angel. "He'd take offense to that."

She cautiously entered. "I'm not here out of pity...I'm here to apologize...and to tell you my story."

Farouk lifted his head and arched a brow with that deadpanned stare. "Really whatever happened to trusting people first before opening up that can of pit vipers?"

"Look I was total осел (jackass) and let my jealousy override my judgment. I'm sorry, I was way out of line. I...I too know how it feels to lose someone important to least you got a semblance of closure. Not many are as lucky as you."

Farouk brow lowered as he huffed and nonchalantly gestured towards the empty chair. "You gonna sit down or continue standing there in fear of getting shanked by a tanto wielding Geisha Demoness?"

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